How To Heal the Pain in Your Soul?
Human life has its challenges and struggles. We often come across situations that distress us so much that they even cause us pain. And it’s not always physical pain, but a pain in our Soul.
And even though people encounter similar situations, each one’s life experience will change the way we endure suffering. And we should never judge, because regardless of age, belief, gender, or social class, everyone faces challenges.
Whether it’s a pain in the body or Soul, always remember to ask for help, to seek a diagnosis from a health professional, and to get medical treatment whenever necessary.
Human medicine was also created by God and can help us a lot in understanding, preventing, and healing the pain in our Souls. It’s essential to combine material care with spiritual care, which we will go into in greater depth in this text.

But after all, what is this pain in our Soul?
The professional answering this question for us is the psychologist and specialist in Art Therapy and Analytical Psychology, Laira Batisteti, in an interview with the web portal of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit: “We can say that pain in the Soul is emotional pain; it’s deep and intense. Some people report it as being an immense emptiness, great anguish, or even a feeling of despair.”
“Although it’s an emotional pain, it can also be felt physically, through pain in the chest, in the region of the heart, headaches, and even stomach aches. People who usually report this type of pain have experienced great loss and found it difficult to deal with it.
“Losses such as the death of a loved one, the end of a marriage, and even the loss of a job . . . bring the person a feeling of hopelessness, that you can no longer progress in your daily life.
“Although it’s a very intense pain, it’s important for the person to keep their spirits up. And outdoor activities, meditation, and religious practice can be very important factors when it comes to keeping in good spirits.”
One should pay close attention to the intensity and the cases in which these pains in our Soul last for a long time because they can turn into depression or other mental disorders.
+ Overcoming sadness and depression
Diagnosis and medical care are essential in these situations, especially from a psychologist, a psychiatrist, or a doctor you trust.
Another important aspect has to do with these emotional pains increasing and getting worse because of the uncertainties and changes caused by the new coronavirus pandemic.
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With regard to the challenges that life presents us with, let’s understand that none of them are in vain and that suffering can be a great teacher. When indicating that something is not going well, it makes us change our attitude, seek new paths, learn, and grow in the face of adversity.
The President-Preacher of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, José de Paiva Netto, teaches in his blog:
“Pain must be faced courageously. If we try to escape from it by the shortcut of make-believe, we will lose the sublime character of its teachings.”
Overcoming the pain in our Soul
We know that pain is real and intense and often causes a very strong feeling of hopelessness, which can lead to the false impression that there is no one to turn to. It might seem that all doors are closed to us and nothing is resolved.
But that’s not true! It’s in moments like these that we must raise our eyes to heaven and, in an intimate and sincere conversation with the Creator, reveal everything that is hurting us, because it’s through prayer that we will find the courage and strength to overcome our most secret pain.
In His Holy Gospel according to Matthew 11:28 to 30, Jesus teaches us:
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your Souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Detalhe da obra intitulada: O Consolador.
Although we have to carry out many day-to-day tasks and we don’t find enough time to do everything we want to, there are many ways of praying, and you can choose the one that best fits your routine. The important thing is the sincerity you show in your words and thoughts.
Reading a Bible passage from the Gospel-Apocalypse of Jesus, listening to an uplifting song, or even writing down what you’re feeling are also ways of connecting with Him.
Check out some suggestions for your Prayer time:
— Treasures in Heaven (the Gospel according to Matthew 6:19-24);
— Jesus, the Bread of Life (the Gospel according to John 6:25-59);
— The Disciples, the Salt of the Earth and The Disciples, the Light of the World (the Gospel according to Matthew 5:13-16).
Just like praying, think good thoughts, have uplifting conversations, and adopt habits that are healthy for your body and Soul.
In addition to a very powerful resource which is doing Good, support those who need food, clothes, a friendly word, or a lesson that will help them in their daily tasks.
It doesn’t take long for us to do Good. We just need to dedicate ourselves to others with attention, zeal, and respect. Listening to what our fellow beings have to say is giving our time, is being a friend. It’s providing help in times of pain.
But you may ask yourself: “How am I going to help if I don't even know how to heal the pain that I feel?” Brother Paiva Netto writes in his article Reacting to Our Own Pain:
“In my long life dedicated to the spiritual and social causes of the Religion of the Third Millennium and of the Legion of Good Will (LGW), I have witnessed unparalleled examples of people who, due to their own poor state of health, might have considered themselves no longer obliged to help, even with just a kind word, other creatures who were also in need of attention. But many people have been surprisingly supported by those from whom nothing more could be expected (in human terms), since they are also suffering awful afflictions. And after receiving such unexpected help, they find themselves reacting to their own misfortune, often discovering reasons for facing up to their battles with determination—something they thought they had long since lost.
As I always and cordially recommend, anyone who wants to ease their own pain should help those who are suffering.”
This is the key for us to start our journey in search of inner Peace and healing and for preventing pain in our own Soul: helping our fellow beings.

Even when social distancing was needed due to COVID-19, we were able to help those in need by virtual means: making a phone call, a video call, talking to a neighbor from the balcony of our building . . . There were, in fact—and still are—many ways to reach out to others and offer help.
Listening to the pain of others helps us understand that it’s not impossible to overcome our own trials and that there is a solution, because Jesus gives us the tools we need for it.
With the Soul strengthened, we’ll be ready to seek professional help and deal with the pain in our Soul.
Choosing Goodness!
One of the actions that the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit suggests for strengthening the Soul is the Ecumenical Meeting at Home. That is: A weekly moment dedicated to dialogue between family, friends, and/or neighbors, promoting prayer and study of the fraternal and ecumenical teachings of Jesus. It can be done virtually and helps strengthen bonds. See how to do it step by step.
Thank you for visiting our portal and reading this article to the end. May God enlighten your path and may all pain be overcome with the blessings of the Heavenly Father!