Make your request
The Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit invites you, internet user, regardless of your belief or nationality, to include the name of those you would like to receive the good energies that come from prayer. The invitation also extends to registering the names of those who have already died but are still alive in Spirit, as the Religion of Universal Love argues. All the names will be written in the book of prayers of the Temple of Good Will.

+ Understand the importance of prayer
+ Learn more about life after death
The President-Preacher of the Religion of the Third Millennium, Paiva Netto, affirms:
“In happiness or sorrow, human beings are never alone. Whether they know it or not, whether they believe it or not, they have God for themselves. In the desert or in the orchards, on the mountains or in the valleys, in the cities or in the fields, if they reverently contemplate on High, they will see a multitude of stars carrying in their immensity billions and billions of lives.
And if you do not believe in the existence of the Heavenly Father, do not feel excluded by what I say. . . . God has a lot of synonyms, such as Love, Fraternity, Solidarity, Compassion, Clemency, Generosity, Mercy, Altruism, and everything that values creatures, leading them to Peace with themselves and with others. It is difficult, really difficult, but we can grow even at times of suffering.”
We dedicate to your heart the “Prayer for Tranquility,” an extract from the Oratorio The Mystery of God Revealed, composed by Paiva Netto: