
On October 7, 1973, in Maringá, Brazil, Alziro Zarur (1914-1979) proclaimed the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, which is today presided over by journalist, radio broadcaster, writer, and composer Paiva Netto, who officially registered it on December 19, 1983.
Its foundation is the New Commandment of the Divine Master, as in the words of Alziro Zarur when he made the Proclamation of the Love of God, on September 5, 1959:
“God is Love, as Jesus had said before. He ordered us to love one another as much as He has loved us. When affirming that He loved us just as much as He loves the Heavenly Father, He gave us a code for us to establish our Religion, the True Religion—THE RELIGION that Jesus Himself founded and instituted almost two thousand years ago. . . Here is OUR RELIGION: the Religion of Universal Love, of the Love of God for all His children through Christ: LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS I HAVE LOVED YOU.”
The Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit
This is a universal Christian religion, which is based on the teachings of Jesus and proposes that the world experience Ecumenism. This is why it welcomes—without distinction—those who seek the necessary comfort and spiritual learning.
Its primary task, in essence, is to provide all people and nations with spiritual enlightenment and comfort, based on the life example and teachings of Jesus in His Gospel and Apocalypse as the principle of all its preaching and activities. In the definition of Paiva Netto, this is “a Divine School of Spiritual Initiation on eternal things, with its doors open to everyone."
Therefore, this is a conception of Peace that understands and affirms that all areas of spiritual and human knowledge—when they are united in the purpose of Universal Solidarity and commitment to the common Good—exist to favor creatures in the exercise of Love; in other words: so that all may learn to love one another.
That is why “The Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit did not come about to conflict with other praiseworthy beliefs,” as Paiva Netto explains. The Religion of the Third Millennium understands that all honored religious traditions also come from God, which is why it stands alongside all religious and philosophical interests that are dedicated to human beings in their search for God and the practice of His Laws of Love and Divine Justice, which govern the Universe.
In bringing the universal identity of the Creator in His name, the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit presents its purpose of propagating the Love of God for the benefit of His creatures. It does so because it understands God to be the Heavenly Father and recognizes Jesus as the Only Begotten Son of the Father, and the Holy Spirit as the Heavenly Secretariat, fulfilling Christ’s ordinances in protecting Humanity.
It is worth pointing out that the expressions “Religion of Universal Love,” “Religion of the Third Millennium,” and “Divine Religion” refer to and are equivalent to “Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit.”
Paiva Netto registers in the Sagradas Diretrizes Espirituais da Religião de Deus, do Cristo e do Espírito Santo [Sacred Spiritual Guidelines of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit], Volume III, page 256, item VIII, these words from Alziro Zarur:
“Jesus taught His disciples that ‘God is Love’. His New Commandment is the humanized Divine Love. Now, in bringing us the Commandment of the commandments, Christ founded the Religion of the Love of God, which is the soul of the Fourth Revelation2, for the sacred human person.”
Supreme Objective and Main Mission
The Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit was proclaimed by the poet, writer, radio broadcaster, journalist, social activist, and philosopher Alziro Zarur (1914-1979), on October 7, 1973, in Maringá, Brazil, as a continuation of his preaching of the Gospel and Apocalypse of Jesus, which he started in 1926. I, José de Paiva Netto, had the honor to legally constitute it on December 19, 1983, inspired by the same Gospel and Apocalypse of the Divine and Ecumenical Jesus, in Spirit and Truth under the light of the New Commandment of the Christ of God: “Love one another, as I have loved you. Only by this shall all of you be recognized as my disciples. There is no greater Love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (The Gospel according to John 13:34–35 and 15:13). It has as
Supreme Objective: To prepare the way for the Triumphal Return of Jesus to planet Earth¹, which He founded², with the formation of His Ecumenical Flock³; and to implement, ever expanding, its Permanent Campaign for Valuing the Eternal Spirit of human beings—the root of the true progress of earthly creatures, because social reform begins in the spiritual realm—, in complying with its
Main Mission, which is spiritual enlightenment. This leads to the consequent salvation of lives and Souls for God, through knowledge of the Truth and the practice of Charity and Justice, allied with exercising the Accomplishing Faith, or the Charity of Christ’s New Commandment, which is based in the binomial Truth and Charity, as established by the late Proclaimer of the Divine Religion, Alziro Zarur.
(Excerpts from the book Sagradas Diretrizes da Religião de Deus, do Cristo e do Espírito Santo [Sacred Spiritual Guidelines of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit], volume 1, pages 179 and 180.)
1 The Triumphal Return of Jesus to planet Earth — “I will not leave you as orphans. I will come back to you.” (The Gospel according to John 14:18)
2 He founded — “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made; without Him, Jesus Christ, nothing was made that has been made.” (The Gospel according to John 1:1–3)
3 Formation of His Ecumenical Flock — “I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one Flock for one Shepherd.” (The Gospel according to John 10:16)
Definition: Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit
Religion of Universal Love
Author: Alziro Zarur (1914-1979), late proclaimer of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit.
The Religion of the Third Millennium,
the Religion of God, of the Christ,
and of the Holy Spirit,
is more than all of Religion itself:
it is all Science,
it is all Philosophy,
it is all Politics,
and all Morality.
It is all human progress,
united to the progress of all worlds,
of all Sidereal Humanities,
the Universal Love
in the apotheosis of the Omnipotent,
Omniscient, and Omnipresent Creator,
our God, our Father!
+ Read about the Definition of the Religion of Universal Love and Its Powerful Spiritual Mystique
Watch the following video with this definition. It begins with the beautiful composition “Divine Religion,” by maestro Vanderlei Pereira, showing the peaceful environments of the Temple of Good Will in Brasília, Brazil:
Officializing and registering the Divine Religion
The Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit was established and officialized by José de Paiva Netto on October 1, 1982, and registered in the Notary Public’s Office of Civil Registry of Legal Entities in the city of Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, as a legal entity on December 19, 1983.
Why Does the Religion of Universal Love Call Itself Spiritualist?
“When we refer to the term ‘spiritualist’ in our texts, we use the word in the purity of its original meaning, that is, without reference to any religion, but accepting Spiritualism as the doctrine that acknowledges the existence of God and the immortality of the Soul,” explains the President-Preacher of the Religion of the Third Millennium, José de Paiva Netto, in his book Sagradas Diretrizes Espirituais da Religião de Deus, do Cristo e do Espírito Santo [Sacred Spiritual Guidelines of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit], volume 1.
Proclamation of the New Commandment of Jesus
Throughout His journey on Earth, Jesus, the Ecumenical Christ, the Divine Statesman, taught us lessons, parables and gave us examples of Divine Love and Justice, including the Law that is capable of transforming human beings forever and making them aware of the origin and purpose of their existence.
After almost two thousand years, Brazil was the stage for the revelation of a renewing and comforting concept: on September 7, 1959, in the city of Campinas/SP, Brazil, the late Proclaimer of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, Alziro Zarur (1914-1979), made the Proclamation of the New Commandment of Jesus:
“Love one another, as I have loved you. Only by this shall all of you be recognized as my disciples, if you have the same Love for one another” (The Gospel according to John 13:34 and 35).
+ Treatise of the New Commandment of Jesus
+ The Divine Wisdom of the New Commandment of Jesus

On September 7, 1959, during the Proclamation of the New Commandment of Jesus, the crowd greets Alziro Zarur (1914-1979) in the former Bonfim Racetrack in the city of Campinas/SP, Brazil, today called Legion of Good Will Square.
Proclamation of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit
Alziro Zarur (1914-1979) made the Proclamation of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit during the Good Will of God Congress on October 7, 1973, in Maringá, State of Paraná, Brazil.
Proclamation of the Ecumenical Christ, the Divine Statesman
For decades the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit has been arguing that the teachings of Jesus have to be understood in a broad way, identifying them as being fundamental to the fields of human and religious action. It believes that this pioneering banner is called the “dissectarianization of Christ”.

The Proclamation of the Ecumenical Christ, the Divine Statesman, was made by Paiva Netto on December 30, 1989, in the Temple of Good Will, located in Brasília, the capital of Brazil.
Paiva Netto, the President-Preacher of the Divine Religion, writes about the subject in his book Jesus, a Dor e a origem de Sua Autoridade [Jesus, the Pain and Origin of His Authority]:
“I wrote down this concept of the dissectarianization of Christ during an interview in 1989 with the Polish TV producer of documentaries, at the time the Vice President of the Universal Esperanto Association, journalist Roman Dobrzyński. On the occasion, when he analyzed the mission of the Temple of Good Will (TGW), the Temple of the Divine Ecumenism, which was to be inaugurated by me on October 21 of that year in Brasília, Brazil, he argued with me about how could I preach about Unrestricted Ecumenism while talking about Jesus.
Summing up what for decades I have been explaining about such a fundamental subject of the doctrine of the Religion of the Third Millennium, I replied that one of the great tasks of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit is to dissectarianize Him, because Jesus is the Ecumenical Christ. . . . The Divine Master is not limited. He is the Heavenly Ideal of Humanity, Love, Solidarity, Justice, and Compassion for all spiritual and human beings.
Jesus is a daily conquest for those who are thirsty for Knowledge, for Mercy, for Fraternity, for Freedom, and for Equality, according to the Law of Multiple Lives. Jesus, in Himself, does not constitute a factor for anger and war.”
+ Jesus — Understand the Luminous Presence of the One who still lives among us
The Proclamation of the Ecumenical Christ, the Divine Statesman, was made by Paiva Netto on December 30, 1989, in the Temple of Good Will, located in Brasília, the capital of Brazil. Regarding such a memorable moment, this is how he explained it in his book Spiritual Guidelines of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, volume II:
“Jesus says in His Gospel, according to Luke 18:27: ‘What is impossible with man is always possible with God.’ Based on this we made the Proclamation of Christ the Statesman, inviting all people to apply the unrestricted solidary rules of the Government of Jesus in order to solve not only social problems, but also those human and intimate problems that shackle and martyrize nations.”
+ God and Globalization
+ The Divine Liberator
Proclamation of the Apocalypse of Jesus
October 1, 1972, was the date on which Alziro Zarur (1914-1979), Proclaimer of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, proclaimed the Apocalypse of Jesus in the city of Ribeirão Preto, Brazil. At the time, he was already drawing attention to the fact that in the final book of the Holy Bible—The Apocalypse, which means ‘Revelation’—we find the key so all people on Earth can build together in a fraternal way the new world we so much want.
The Religion of the Third Millennium believes that this positive union will occur to fulfill the prophecy of Christ Himself that is recorded in His Gospel according to John 10:16, “There shall be one flock and one Shepherd.”
Paiva Netto, President-Preacher of the Religion of Universal Love, discusses the formation of this One Flock of Jesus in his book Somos Todos Profetas [We are all Prophets] on page 78:
“In the Proclamation of the Apocalypse, Zarur declares that the One Flock will become a reality not by way of the ‘Gospel that you have read, but by way of the Apocalypse that you have not understood, because in fact it is already formed in the Kingdom of God.’ So we have to find it in the Book of the Final Prophecies, and it is really there, because the whole Revelation is permeated by this unifying spirit: God is one and only (Apocalypse 7:9 and 10).”

October 1, 1972, was the date on which Alziro Zarur proclaimed the Apocalypse of Jesus in the city of Ribeirão Preto, Brazil.
With regard to the reach of this concept, Paiva Netto also explains that in “Diretrizes Espirituais da Religião de Deus, do Cristo e do Espírito Santo” [Spiritual Guidelines of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit], volume I (1987),
“The Religion of God, of the Christ, of and the Holy Spirit, with its Unrestricted Ecumenism, brings to the world a very new and all-encompassing concept of Jesus’ flock: when the Divine Chief determined that His Apostles and disciples—as represented by the hieratic figure of Peter—should shepherd His sheep, He was not only talking about human sheep. Religion, Science, Philosophy, Education, Art, Sport, Politics, Economics, and everything that symbolizes universal culture are sheep of Jesus’ Flock to be shepherded by His eternal doctrine, as stated in His New Commandment: ‘Love one another as I have loved you,’ the Law of World Solidarity. They and men live in a complete process of symbiosis. But as Christ says, ‘Apart from Me you can do nothing’ (Gospel according to John 15:5).”
Therefore, the One Flock will be formed at the time of the Triumphant Return of Jesus, as analyzed by the Religion of the Third Millennium with the Proclamation of the Apocalypse. This Return, which was prophesied in several passages in His Gospel, as in Matthew 16:27 and in His Apocalypse 1:7, deals with a victorious return in which Christ will give to each one according to their own deeds.
Preaching the Apocalypse
In a pioneering way in Brazilian communication, the preaching of the Apocalypse of Christ began on the radio at the end of the 1940s with Alziro Zarur. His successor, journalist and writer Paiva Netto, is the author of many radio and television series on the subject, the highlight being the 450-program “The Apocalypse of Jesus for the Simple Hearted.”
The series has also turned into a literary collection, the most recent book of which was Jesus, a Dor e a origem de Sua Autoridade — o Poder do Cristo em nós [Jesus, the Pain and Origin of His Authority — the Power of Christ within Us]. Many articles are also regularly published in newspapers, magazines, and websites in Brazil and around the world.
Also in the book Somos Todos Profetas [We are all Prophets], one of the works in this ecumenical collection, the author says,
“The Apocalypse—the greatest sociological treatise of all time—aims above all to re-educate human beings and their Eternal Spirits for the end of the apocalyptic cycle in which we live and the beginning of the new one that is coming up.”
Thus, for the Religion of the Third Millennium, increasing one’s knowledge about the Book of Revelation, the Book of Final Prophecies, is very important for also understanding the eternal and universal laws that guide us to shape a better destiny for all Mankind in a fraternal and ecumenical way.
+ How Important are Angels in the Prophetic Message of the Apocalypse?
+ Who is part of Jesus’ Single Flock?
+ The Apocalypse Warns the youth
In the third volume of the Diretrizes Espirituais da Religião de Deus, do Cristo e do Espírito Santo [Spiritual Guidelines of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit], we find this definition by its President-Preacher about the Creator:
“God is Spirit, revealed Jesus. Before being seen He is to be experienced in the human intimacy as Love! The Face of the Supreme Creator can only be identified in the Soul of His creatures: Love one another as I have loved you. No one has greater Love than this: to lay down his own life for his friends, as Christ taught us. That is the Face of God: the more we love, the more He manifests Himself in us” (from the book Spiritual Guidelines of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, Volume III, page 312).
Also with regard to the subject, in the book Reflexões da Alma [Reflections of the Soul], Paiva Netto proposes a profound reflection:
“One of the biggest obstacles to be overcome by Human Beings in the great journey towards understanding God, from the point of view of Science, is to think about what they are researching: about What or Whom? Or about God Who and/or What? (not a simple what, like a can in the street or a piece of torn paper), but a Divine What, which when Science deciphers Him, it will open up horizons in multiple dimensions of the quintessential Wisdom and Morality. . . .” (From the book Reflections of the Soul, pages 110 and 111, pocket book version).
+ Who is God?
Jesus, the Ecumenical Christ, the Divine Statesman
In the first publication of the Jesus, the Ecumenical Christ, the Divine Statesman Academy, Paiva Netto e a proclamação do Novo Mandamento de Jesus — A saga heroica de Alziro Zarur na Terra [Paiva Netto and the Proclamation of the New Commandment of Jesus — The heroic saga of Alziro Zarur on Earth (1914-1979)], the President-Preacher of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, Paiva Netto, wrote:
“Jesus, the Sublime Educator, in Himself, does not constitute a factor for anger and war. He preached with His New Commandment Love elevated to the nth degree. What earthly creatures did, or do, with His Fraternal Message is their reductionist creation. . . . Revealing the exalted meaning of His Gospel and His Apocalypse with the spirit of Charity is an outstanding service that the Religion of the Third Millennium is providing to the society of the world, because Jesus, the Ecumenical Christ—therefore disectarianized and, for this reason, mercifully hovers over all the beliefs and disbeliefs of the visible earthly plane and the invisible spiritual plane—is a noble and very much up-to-date idea on the move that deserves to be studied and experienced by all anti-sectarian Souls, who are free of prejudice and taboos and who are consequently prepared to study and learn with an open mind and heart, without feeding any preconceived opinions.”
+ Jesus — Understand the Luminous Presence of the One who still lives among us
+ Learn why the Triumphal Return of Jesus is so long awaited!
Holy Spirit
The Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit teaches us that we are all spiritual beings and that the Holy Spirit is also comprised of Luminous Spirits, also called Blessed Souls, Guardian Angels, Spiritual Guides1 that protect and inspire human beings intuitively in a positive way. With regard to this spiritual reality, the President-Preacher of the Religion of the Third Millennium, José de Paiva Netto, teaches in his book Reflexões da Alma [Reflections of the Soul], page 145, pocket book edition:
“The dead do not die. Therefore, Spiritual Life is not an abstraction. In the second volume of the collection Diretrizes Espirituais da Religião de Deus, do Cristo e do Espírito Santo [Spiritual Guidelines of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit], 2nd edition, page 283, I wrote the following:
What are the consequences, for example, of a parliamentarian really understanding that there is life after the death of the physical body? And what’s more, recognizing that in the Spiritual Dimension there are politicians who are capable of inspiring great decisions in him or her, without inhibiting his or her freewill, because it will be a conscious relationship. Likewise, for religious people, philosophers, scientists, sportspeople, etc. . . .
There is intelligent life here and there. And like here, Spirits there live in various evolutionary conditions. Not all of them are of Light. The presence of elevated Spirits, helping us like Guardian Angels, will depend on our good thoughts and our correct way of acting. That is why it is essential not to fall into temptation, ‘watch and pray’ always, as Jesus taught (The Gospel according to Mark 14:38).”
The conscious union of the two Humanities
Also with regard to this inter-dimensional relationship, it is important to pay attention to what the Religion of the Third Millennium warns us about:
“If there exists (as in fact there really does) a compulsory link between the Spiritual World and the world below, although in an unconscious way until today for earthly beings, and, because of this, many times with disastrous results because of our willful ignorance regarding spiritual matters; and if this influence of the Invisible World on the visible world is inevitable, let it be for the Good, because the contact that is generally established is with evil and less evolved spiritual creatures, commonly known as demons. Let us work, completely conscious, to change this situation. Let us seek harmony with the Good Entities2.”
1 And so many other honorable forms used in the most diverse religious, spiritual, and philosophical traditions.
2 Extract from the book Spiritual Guidelines of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, Volume II, page 283.
+ Seek the Protection of the Guardian Angels and of the Spirits of Light!
+ Guardian Angel: 3 Things you Need to Know About Yours
Gospel-Apocalypse of Jesus
Paiva Netto, President-Preacher of the Religion of the Third Milllennium, explains:
“The task of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit is mainly spiritual, because only someone who really knows the Divine Laws can be free. Therefore, the first objective of all the preaching of the Religion of Universal Love is Jesus.”
To fulfill its purpose, the Religion of Universal Love preaches the Gospel-Apocalypse of Jesus, always in Spirit and Truth under the Light of His New Commandment: “Love one another as I have loved you.” (The Gospel of Christ according to John 13:34).
+ How Do Miracles Happen?
+ What Is Reincarnation and Why Is It Necessary? — Find out Bible verses that prove that Reincarnation is real
+ Jesus’s View of Women
Life after death
With regard to the eternity of Life, in his article Death is not the end, the President-Preacher of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, José de Paiva Netto, teaches us something precious:
“Nothing dies. As we know it, the corpse, which housed the Spirit, is also transformed into Life. Death is a rumor. The late journalist, radio broadcaster, poet, and writer Alziro Zarur (1914-1979) taught us that ‘death does not exist in any point of the Universe.’ God is not death. He is Life; Eternal Life. Jesus Himself revealed to His disciples that the Heavenly Father governs immortal beings universally. And He concluded by adding: ‘Because you do not believe in this reality, you live wrongly’ (The Gospel according to Mark 12:27). Those whom we love never die, even though they are already in the Spiritual World. Many remain at our side, helping us; others may be needing our prayers. Let us pray for them, so that when our time comes someone will pray for us, and let us thank God for being the God of the living. The dead do not die.”
+ What Is Reincarnation and Why Is It Necessary? — Find out Bible verses that prove that Reincarnation is real
+ Who Are We, Where Do We Come from, and Where Are We Going?
The President-Preacher of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, José de Paiva Netto, says in his article “In praise of Peace”:
“World at war, or rather, world always at war. It is, therefore, an equally opportune moment to speak of Peace and to fight for it without cease, until it is attained, including peace in traffic, where accidents make so many victims. One of the dangers faced by Humanity is the vulgarization of suffering. From watching it so much in the media, some people may come to see it as something that cannot be changed. This is the murder of tranquility among people and nations when they let themselves be swept away by the "irremediable". Nevertheless, everything can become better or be corrected in this life, as in the example of Bogotá.
“If, by this massacre of tragic news, families become accustomed to the absurd, it will take over their existences.
“If we are not yet able to avoid World War III, which is the result of what millennia of human madness has sown, we do not wish to regret not having done our very best, our uttermost, to remind the world of the Peace of God. For a long time, by all ways and means, we have opposed the Latin saying ‘If you want Peace, prepare for war’ (‘Si vis pacem, para bellum’), by proclaiming the spirit that inspired Rui Barbosa (1849-1923), the brave Eagle of The Hague, when he said: ‘If you want Peace, prepare yourself for Peace.’”
Ecumenical Spirituality
The term Spirituality refers to facts and/or actions that transcend our merely human understanding and are found in the spiritual dimension—the vital reality that precedes and prevails over physical life.
At a higher level of this concept, we find Ecumenical Spirituality, coined by José de Paiva Netto, the President-Preacher of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit.
This is the universalist experience based on the feeling of religiosity that individuals are born with and on the union of different beliefs and philosophies.
This means that in both the spiritual and social aspects, Universalism, which has its origins in God, who is Fraternal Love, governs relationships between spiritual and human creatures, regardless of their religious or non-religious convictions.
Paiva Netto defines Ecumenical Spirituality as
“the cradle of the most generous values that are born of the Soul, the dwelling of the emotions and of the reasoning enlightened by intuition, the atmosphere that embraces everything that transcends the ordinary field of matter and comes from the elevated human sensitivity, such as Truth, Justice, Mercy, Ethics, Honesty, Generosity, and Fraternal Love. . . . It is essential to emphasize that there is also the Ecumenical Spirituality that is understood as the experience of the Being in the Invisible Spheres, that is, the Spiritual World, in which Life expands eternally.”
And he continues,
“The meaning of Fraternity and Ecumenical Spirituality puts us in a healthy and intimate contact with ourselves and with the Creator of the Universe and His creatures, which constitute the perfect altar where one must adore Him.”
With regard to the role of prayer in the life of human beings, regardless of their tradition or culture, Paiva Netto, the President-Preacher of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, writes in his article “Ateu também pode orar” [Atheists can also pray]:
“Prayer is not the refuge of cowards or the idle. It elevates us, while work fulfills us. The Pope prays, the Dalai Lama meditates, Chico Xavier prayed, rabbis chant their supplications, evangelicals sing their praises to God, Muslims recite the Holy Koran. . . What is Prayer if not Love that is willing to undertake great feats? When an atheist brother caries out an act that benefits society he is praying. In Crônicas e Entrevistas I wrote that praying and meditating are similar to each other. Praying is not simply a figurative action. It is the strongest instrument that the human essence, the Divine Capital, has. As the German monk Thomas à Kempis (1380-1471) wrote in The Imitation of Christ: ‘Sublime is the art of talking with God.’”
READ ALSO: “The power of Prayer”
+ Take a moment and dedicate the Prayer of Caritas to someone
+ Prayer of the Archangel , Saint Michael — Find the Heavenly Protection with this very beautiful prayer!
In the article “Religion does not rhyme with intolerance”, the President-Preacher of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, José de Paiva Netto expresses his view about what Religion is and its extraordinary role for Humanity:
“I understand Religion as Solidarity, respect for Life, the enlightenment of the Spirit, which we all are. I can only understand it as something dynamic, alive, pragmatic, altruistically fulfilling, and that opens up paths of light in one’s soul. For this reason, it must be in the forefront of ethics. I would not understand Religion if it did not also act in a sensible way in transforming the sad realities that still torment people. These people are even more in need of God, who is the antidote for the spiritual and moral maladies, and consequently the social ones as well, including the degenerating immobility, sectarianism, and intolerance that blind the Spirit of the multitudes. . . . And by no means should atheists be left out from any measures that can benefit the world.”
+ The religiousness that is born with human beings
The Eternal Spirit
The Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit understands that human beings are composed of matter (body) and spirit, an eternal and Divine part that exists long before the body and lasts after the phenomenon of death. Therefore the expression 'eternal spirit,' which is the individuality, the qualities and values that characterize beings. As José de Paiva Netto defines:
"There are those who understand it only as the projection of the carnal mind, the material reasoning. So, we have to explain what we mean by Spirit: the eternal part of all of us, without which the body becomes a corpse.” This affirmation is born from the words of the Heavenly Educator, Jesus, who taught us in His Gospel: "God is Spirit" (John, 4:24), which is completed by the account of Moses, in Genesis (1:26): "And God said: Let us make man in our image, after our likeness . . . ."
For the Religion of Universal Love, the comprehension of "eternal spirit" transforms people's lives and expands their capacities for doing Good.
+ What Is Reincarnation and Why Is It Necessary? — Find out Bible verses that prove that Reincarnation is real
+ Who Are We, Where Do We Come from, and Where Are We Going?
The Four Pillars of Ecumenism
Unrestricted Ecumenism and Total Ecumenism
(These expressions were created by Alziro Zarur and conceptualized by Paiva Netto)
Unrestricted Ecumenism preaches the perfect relationship between all creatures of the Earth. Total Ecumenism professes the conscientious and fraternal alliance between the Humanity of the Earth with the Higher Spiritual World and with any other civilization in existence in outer space. And why not?! Is the entire Universe just there for us to idly gaze at (with the exception of the astronomers, thinkers, and poets)?! That is, when we remember to lift our eyes to the heavens above . . . It would certainly be pretentious on our part to admit the impossibility of the existence of other forms of life in the Cosmos. Another point: not everything (or everyone) out there must necessarily have a likeness to our species and surroundings. When human beings understand this, they will be ready to assimilate and experience the other two stages: Ecumenism of the Hearts and Divine Ecumenism.
Ecumenism of the Hearts and Divine Ecumenism
(Definitions by Paiva Netto and clarified by him)
Ecumenism of the Hearts is the one that convinces us not to waste any time with hatred and sterile disputes, but rather to reach out one’s hand to the fallen, for it is compassionate with sorrow; takes off one’s own shirt to dress the unclothed; contributes to the healing balm of those who are ill; protects the orphans and the widows, as Jesus taught us in the Gospel according to Matthew 10:8. Those who understand the elevated meaning of the Ecumenism of the Hearts know that Education with Ecumenical Spirituality will become increasingly fundamental for the progress of the nations, because Ecumenism is Education open to Peace; to strengthen a nation (not for a nation to dominate over others); therefore, it is the shelter of a country and the survival of the globe that protects us as its children, even if not always well behaved ones. Whereas Divine Ecumenism is the social and spiritual contact between the creature and his/her Creator. . . . Therefore, I speak of the universalization of the human being who integrates with its Divine Origin, becoming a Vertical-Human Being, in other words, a Spiritual Human Being, or even further: a Spirit-Human Being. It is the end of the empire of matter, by the pure and simple understanding that matter does not exist (as the atom itself is full of empty spaces1). For this reason, I have said before that matter is also Spirit.
1 Note by Paiva Netto: even an atom is full of empty spaces — Although that is maybe not how it is in other frequencies, which are to be further investigated or even discovered. This is an exciting challenge for quantum mechanics.
+ Religion of Universal Love at the Forefront of Ecumenism
Blessed Water
Paiva Netto, President-Preacher of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, explains: “Since Alziro Zarur (1914-1979), late founder of the LBV, started preaching during the program Let’s Talk to God, his listeners have been placing next to the radio a glass, a jug, or whatever it might be, containing water so that during those moments of communion with the Higher Power all those who have Faith may receive, according to their merits, the grace of the Heavenly Father, through the blessing of the precious liquid.

“Every day during its powerful Chain of Prayers, the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit strengthens Spirits and enlightens minds with examples from the Apocalypse and the Gospel of Jesus. It shows its listeners and followers that if God blessed the waters of the Jordan River and the Pool of Siloam to cure the sick in Biblical times, why can’t He bless the water placed next to the radio at the time of the Good Will Program? As the Divine Chief taught us: ‘Everything is possible for one who believes (The Gospel according to Mark 9:23).’”1
Since the end of the 1940s until today this tradition of the Christians of the New Commandment of Jesus has been maintained on the Boa Vontade TV and Super Good Will Radio Network programs when, on every hour, the powerful Ecumenical Chain of Prayers of the Religion of the Third Millennium occurs. The objective of this moment of prayer is to strengthen the heart and enlighten the mind, based on the ecumenical and fraternal teachings of the Gospel and the Apocalypse of Jesus. Everyone can participate in the Chain and create this same environment of peace in their homes, at work, and in hospitals, asking the Heavenly Physician to bless a recipient containing water, in other words, to place in the water His fortifying, regenerating, and healing fluids2.
The blessed water can also be found in the Sacred Fountain of the Temple of Good Will, an environment of peace and spiritual elevation, where thousands of pilgrims benefit from it on a daily basis. The liquid passes through various filters and crosses the Nave of the TGW, passing under the Sacred Crystal, until it gushes out in the fountain.
As the late proclaimer of the Religion of Universal Love, Alziro Zarur (1914-1979), taught us: "If God created the water that no man could invent and no entity could create, then He can place the right medication for each one of us in this water. To doubt this is to disbelieve the most elementary things, the logic of the simplest elements."
1 Page 237 of the Diretrizes Espirituais da Religião de Deus, do Cristo e do Espírito Santo [Spiritual Guidelines of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit], Volume I, subtitle “If God created water why can’t He bless it?”]
2 At no time does the Religion of the Third Millennium advise people to abandon traditional medical treatment or fail to seek it out in case of illness. Spiritual and material medicine need to be reconciled. God uses material medicine to cure or treat an illness in accordance with existing scientific concepts, which are improving over time.
The Angelus Hour
The Angelus Hour, also known as the Ave Maria Hour!, is a traditional ceremony in the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit,1 which started in the 1940s on the radio by Alziro Zarur (1914-1979), the late proclaimer of the Religion of the Third Millennium.
As a devotee of Holy Mary, Zarur recorded countless prayers, poems, and verses as a tribute to the Sublime Mother of Jesus and which are currently being aired at 6 p.m. on the Super Good Will Communications Network (radio, TV, and the Internet), along with songs and prayers that make reference to the Universal Mother of Humanity.

The Angelus Hour ceremony is also celebrated every day in the Temple of Good Will and in the Ecumenical Churches of the Religion of the Third Millennium and is open to the public. All those who take part in this ecumenical moment of prayer can write their name and the names of their loved ones in the Book of Prayers and/or place their requests in the Sacred Basin.2
The blessing of the waters occurs during the ceremony. This is an opportunity for expressing gratitude and asking for Divine Protection, as the President-Preacher of the Religion of Universal Love, José de Paiva Netto, explains:
“Do you want to triumph over your own self and succeed? Let Jesus coexist in your Spirit and let Holy Mary comfort your heart maternally at rough times throughout the human journey. In fact, no one is hopelessly lost or abandoned in this world.”3
On Sundays, the musical program entitled Ave Maria — A Song of Love to the Universal Mother of Humanity is also aired on the Super Good Will Communications Network, at midday. It was created at the suggestion of the noble Dr. Bezerra de Menezes (Spirit), along with the spirits Christians of the New Commandment of Jesus: Antônia Damásio Abrantes, Professor Darcy Augusto Malheiros, Pedro Macedo, and Joaquim Gomes Barreto, within the World Revolution of the Spirits of Light, in the Fourth Revelation, the Religion of Universal Love.4
With regard to this initiative, Brother Bezerra de Menezes said:
“‘The ‘Ave Marias’ are very strong drivers of cure. That is why the suggestion came from Above to the Brothers and Sisters on Earth, so this radio and TV program can be a time when families get together at midday on Sundays to listen to it and feel the Heavenly Protection, the balm arriving, and the blessings being distributed by the Love of the Mother of Jesus Christ in their homes.”

The program “Ave Maria — A Song of Love to the Universal Mother of Humanity” features classical and popular music dedicated to Holy Mary. It also encourages viewers to create their own tributes by way of poems, lyrics, and music.
1 Sacred Basin — A recipient placed on the altar of the Ecumenical Church of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit to receive the requests made to the Divine Master. The Sacred hands of Jesus are represented there for receiving each of the requests made.
2 Extract from the book A Esperança não more nunca [Hope Never Dies] (2020).
Who are the Christians of the New Commandment of Jesus?
They are those who share the Sacred Ideal of the New Commandment of the Divine Friend and profess the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit. They are individuals who are simple of heart, from the most diverse segments and professions. As selfless volunteers they dedicate their time and talents to giving of themselves for the benefit of Humanity.
World Revolution of the Spirits of Light
One of the contributions of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit is to help human beings understand the essence and the mysteries of the afterlife, in other words, the eternity of Life. In order to accomplish this, it promotes the World Revolution of the Spirits of Light, carrying out activities in the field of responsible and solidary communication with the Other Side of Life.

The title World Revolution of the Spirits was published in 1953 by Alziro Zarur (1914-1979), the late proclaimer of the Religion of Universal Love. José de Paiva Netto, the current president-preacher of the Organization, added “of Light” some years later, when he stressed the participation of the Divine Phalanxes. In fact, this whole movement has continued because of his leadership and efforts.
On January 6, 1992, he started the work of the Universalistic Spiritual Center (CEU, in Portuguese), one of the objectives of which is to promote the conscious union of the Two Humanities: of Heaven and Earth. Since then, psychographic, psychophonic, and physical effects manifestations have started happening.
An important difference in this action is that it ensures that human beings seek to know and apply the Divine Laws and teachings of Jesus in their daily lives, in order to overcome their fear of death and matters of spirituality that are still not understood by Humanity. Interestingly, January 6 is also the day on which the important spiritual manifestation that gave rise to the Good Will Organizations is celebrated. Learn more about this.
The coordinator of these activities in the Higher Spiritual World is Dr. Bezerra de Menezes (1831-1900), Spirit, who when he was incarnated in Brazil he was known as “the Doctor of the Poor.” He was also a prestigious politician and an important abolitionist. The Religion of the Third Millennium believes that this communication with the Superior World is part of the natural coexistence between beings, whether reincarnated or disincarnated.
One of the premises of the World Revolution of the Spirits of Light is to show that everyone has mediumistic abilities. To awaken them, it is necessary to learn to develop them in harmony with the Higher Spiritual World, as Paiva Netto explains. In the second volume of Diretrizes Espirituais da Religião de Deus, do Cristo e do Espírito Santo [Spiritual Guidelines of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit], he affirms that human beings
“are all mediums, but if they are not mediums who are evangelized and enlightened by living the New Commandment of Christ—‘Love one another as I have loved you. Only by this shall all of you be recognized as my disciples, if you have the same Love for one another’ (The Gospel of Jesus according to John 13:34 and 35)—, which is the Law of Love, they will be nothing more than instruments of evil.”
That is why this communication with the Good Spirits needs to be established in a responsible and conscious way, through good thoughts, healthy habits, and solidary actions. This provides the comfort, strength, enthusiasm, and good intuition we need to overcome the different challenges we face in our day-to-day lives.
Under the prerogative that “a revolution like this cannot be carried out by hiding the Spirits,” Paiva Netto puts the Super Good Will Communications Network1 at the Spirits of Light disposal so they can bring their messages and clarification on the Divine Laws, like the noble Dr. Bezerra de Menezes, Dr. André Luiz, Emmanuel, Flexa Dourada, Osmar Carvalho e Silva, Nair Teixeira Torres, among other numerous spiritual activists engaged in this conscious union of the Humanities. Read one of these messages.
1 Super Good Will Communications Network: The term refers to the vehicles of communication 100% Jesus, whose purpose is to propagate the fraternal ideals of Ecumenism without restrictions: Super Good Will Radio Network, Boa Vontade TV, Rede Educação e Futuro de Televisão – Reeducar [Education and Future Television Network – Re-educate], Good Will Portal, and publications of Ecumenical Spirituality.
The Jesus, the Ecumenical Christ, the Divine Statesman Academy
“The Jesus, the Ecumenical Christ, the Divine Statesman Academy is composed of the Institute for Study, Research and Practice of the New Commandment of Jesus and of the Institute for Study and Research of the Science of the Soul. Through the production of universal knowledge, i.e., divine and human knowledge, its objective is to disectarianize the way some people see the Christ of God and Christianity. In other words, to show the influence and applicability of the ecumenical and eternal teachings of the Heavenly Academic in all fields of spiritual and human knowledge, by presenting Him to Humanity in an all-encompassing, fraternal and undeniable manner.” Definition of Paiva Netto, President-Preacher of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit when founding the Jesus, the Ecumenical Christ, the Divine Statesman Academy, on February 1, 2007.
Read some articles by The Jesus, the Ecumenical Christ, the Divine Statesman Academy:
+ Jesus — Understand the Luminous Presence of the One who still lives among us
+ Organ donation: do you have any doubts about it?
Temple of Good Will (TGW)
Located in Brasília, capital of Brazil, it is the Spiritual Headquarters of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit. It is also known as the Temple of Total Ecumenism, the Temple of Peace, and the Pyramid of Blessed Souls and of Luminous Spirits. Understood as being a Haven for Humanity, the TGW fraternally welcomes all people, as its founder, Paiva Netto, defends:
"If people require a roof over their heads to protect themselves from the moods of nature, it is equally urgent to provide them with shelter from the storms derived of sentiment, a place where they can leave behind their religious, ideological, political and economic differences so as to rebuild themselves spiritually, to obtain some respite from inner turmoil. Everyone has some pain that he/she will reveal to no one, from the humblest to the most powerful of men, even our atheist Brothers".

The Temple of Good Will is the most visited monument in the federal capital, according to official data from the State Secretariat of Tourism of the Federal District (SETUR-DF). Every day it receives pilgrims from all religions, as well as agnostics and atheists, fraternally welcoming its visitors from all traditions, cultures, and philosophies. It is located at SGAS 915, Asa Sul, in Brasília, Brazil.
The official website of the monument is: www.tbv.com.br/english/
Family Churches
They are families that commit to getting together in their homes with friends and neighbors on a weekly basis to carry out the Ecumenical Meeting of the New Commandment of Jesus at Home, a moment of profound spiritual learning.

New Jersey, USA.
With regard to the Home Meetings, the Religion of Universal Love explains:
“In addition to taking part in the large meetings that take place every week in the Ecumenical Churches of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, religious-ecumenical meetings are arranged by followers in Family Churches, when relatives, friends, and neighbors congregate to study the Ecumenical Doctrine of the Religion of the Third Millennium. This is when they read and meditate deeply on the doctrinal books of the Religion of Universal Love, and this attracts to the home the Celestial Phalanxes that protect those who are truly worthy of their protection. As a result, the family receives the blessings of the Heavenly Father and strengthens its ties of Love, which is the solid basis of implanting the Only Flock of Jesus, the Ecumenical Christ, in other words Universal, the Divine Statesman, on Earth and in the Heaven of the Earth, faithfully complying with the criteria contained in this publication. People, thus reinvigorated by the inseparable union around our Sublime Master, overcome the challenges they face in current times.”1
Do you also want to hold this ceremony in your own home? See our suggestions on how to organize it.
The importance of the family
The president-preacher of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit also clarifies in his article “The Great Family Called Humanity”:
“Is the family coming to an end? No. It is just evolving, as a natural process. And within all the confusion of the passing of the millennium (we were in 1984), as incredible as it may appear to the more hasty, the family is searching, though awkwardly, for Something, which one day it will discover to be God—with or without a name—, who is Love and without which the individual cannot subsist with dignity, since, wanting to or not, he is a part of Him. As registered by Apostle Paul in his Second Epistle to the Corinthians 6:16: ‘You are the Temple of the Living God.’”
1Extract from the book Paiva Netto e a Proclamação do Novo Mandamento de Jesus— a saga heroica de Alziro Zarur (1914-1979) na Terra [Paiva Netto and the Proclamation of the New Commandment of Jesus – the Heroic Saga of Alziro Zarur (1914-1979) on Earth].
Ecumenical Churches of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit
The Ecumenical Churches of the Religion of the Third Millennium, which are found all over Brazil and in other countries in the Americas and in Europe, are environments for learning about all-encompassing Ecumenical Spirituality, with lessons that come from the Gospel-Apocalypse of Jesus, understood in Spirit and Truth, under the Light of His New Commandment, which prepare Human Beings and their eternal Spirits for a universal awareness, expressed in their daily conduct. In this environment of Peace, people from all beliefs are welcome, so that they can strengthen their Faith and together find new and suitable knowledge for building a better world and a happier Humanity.