4 Unforgettable Christmas Gifts to Exchange with Family and Friends
Before presenting our list of unforgettable Christmas gifts, we invite you to reflect on the true meaning of December 25.
The True Christmas Is the Birth of Jesus!
The birth of Jesus offers profound lessons for the daily challenges each of us faces. It carries a timeless message about the importance of living with Love, Respect, and Solidarity—not just during the holiday season, but every day of the year.
Embracing the spirit of the Everlasting Christmas of Jesus is a call to action from the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit. José de Paiva Netto, its President-Preacher, explains in his article The Christmas of Jesus and Human Rights:
“Christmas is not a time to forget our problems, but rather to seek Divine Inspiration to resolve them. Its atmosphere should be that of borderless Fraternity, which is now, more than ever, essential to the emergence of true Planetary Citizenship—one that effectively defends itself against global endemic exploitation. It is not just the body that falls sick, but society as well.”
Now that we’ve briefly presented the essence of the Everlasting Christmas of Jesus, as shared by the Divine Religion, let’s dive into our list of Christmas gifts—and find out why they are unforgettable:
1. Show Affection, Gratitude, and Respect
This is a gift that will forever touch the Soul of its recipient. Expressing affection, gratitude, and respect is not a sign of weakness.
On the contrary, it’s a reflection of our capacity to love and do Good for those around us, whether they are dear to us or not.

This aligns with the True Honoree of the season: Jesus, who offers us this valuable teaching:
“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” (Holy Gospel according to Matthew 7:12)
2. Be a Good Example
In our daily lives, what leaves a greater impact: empty words or actions filled with kindness? Words can indeed spark huge transformation and bring joy, but if they are not backed by our actions, they lose their meaning, don’t they?
That’s why our second Christmas gift suggestion is to inspire others by being a good example—just as Jesus expects us to be.

This reflection and change in behavior must start within us. We should strive to set a positive example by promoting true peace: acknowledging our mistakes, opening ourselves to fraternal dialogue, and positively influencing those around us.
In His Holy Gospel, Jesus teaches us:
“Now that I, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” (John 13:14-15)
Through this act of humility and love for others, Jesus shows us He is the example to follow. May we, like Him, become a source of light and inspiration for those around us.
What an amazing Christmas gift, wouldn’t you agree?
3. Practice Forgiveness
The Christmas season is often seen as an opportunity to mend misunderstandings or disputes with family, friends, and neighbors. This is a practice that should be encouraged and carried throughout the year.
We know this isn’t always easy. But why not turn to prayer and ask for Divine Strength to let go of resentment, guilt, anger, or bitterness? The more we strive, the better prepared we’ll be to forgive others—or even ourselves.
Jesus emphasized this in His Holy Gospel according to Matthew 6:12 when He showed us how to pray:
“And forgive us our trespasses, just as we forgive those who trespass against us.”
4. Be Truly Present
This suggestion encourages us to reflect on the sincerity of our presence during moments with family and friends. Are we fully engaged in these interactions, using them to learn, teach, and exchange values and experiences?
Being truly present is a gift of dedication and undivided attention. It means focusing on the moment and the person we’re with, being attentive, open, and genuinely available to listen and understand. By valuing the here and now, we create deeper, more meaningful connection with others.
“Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom and healing every disease and sickness.
When He saw the crowds, He had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” (Matthew 9:35-36)
Jesus remains attentive to each of us, offering His infinite compassion and comfort to heal the afflictions of our bodies and souls.

This list was designed to inspire joy—not just for this season, but throughout the year—whether shared individually, with friends, or among family.
These gifts embody the true spirit of the Christmas of Jesus, going beyond material objects to touch and transform our hearts and the lives of those we love. May they help strengthen bonds of friendship, companionship, and success.
Did you enjoy our suggestions? Share this message with your family and friends. Hail the Everlasting Christmas of Jesus every day of the year! =)