A Culture of Peace for the end of intolerance
To promote and advance understanding among the various fields of human knowledge making respect and tolerance the bases for harmony among all peoples: This set of values, experienced on a daily basis in the Temple of Good Will (TGW) since it was built, is further strengthened in the Ecumenism Day celebrations on October 21.

The date—initially established by the government of the Federal District—is a tribute to the Pyramid of Peace, as the Monument is also known. It has become a reference point in Ecumenical Spirituality due to its pioneering proposal of union and interreligious dialogue, which has been defended since the 1940s by the late Brazilian radio broadcaster and poet Alziro Zarur (1914-1979), and subsequently developed and expanded by Paiva Netto, the founder of the TGW. The Temple of Good Will receives more than one million pilgrims every year regardless of belief or disbelief, religion, philosophy, race, or culture. Read about the 4 Pillars of Ecumenism.
+ Read also:
Article by the founder of the TGW, Paiva Netto: "Religious Democracy".
Every year this day is celebrated with the Ecumenical Ceremony held in the Nave of the TGW, one of its main rooms. During the ceremony authorities, religious leaders, representatives from various fields of human knowledge, and civil society organizations walk together on the Spiral. The event is attended by thousands of pilgrims from Brazil and the world who visit the Temple of Good Will during its anniversary celebrations. In 2017, it completes 28 years.

The Ecumenical Act was held in honor of the Ecumenism Day (celebrated on October 21), which was attended by representatives from a wide variety of branches of human knowledge.
+ Temple of Good Will: 28th anniversary — “Jesus, our Road map to Happiness”
The ceremony represents an initial step towards a fairer and more solidarity-based world, as the President-Preacher of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, Paiva Netto, defends: “Harmony between religious people is the first thing to be conquered. The peace of mind of earthly beings, resulting from a new ecumenical stance, inasmuch as it is highly fraternal, predicts social peace, the peace between institutions, and the desired world peace, under the protection of the Heavenly Father, the greatest diplomat in the history of this world, notwithstanding our recurrent misuse of freewill.”

Before starting the walk on the Spiral, each representative receives a white rose. Then, they begin walking on the dark colored path, which represents Mankind’s difficult journey on Earth in search of a point of balance. At the top of the Nave rests the Sacred Crystal, considered the largest pure crystal stone in the world, that energizes the environment. On the way back, each person returns on the light colored path, which represents the journey illuminated by moral and spiritual values acquired by the efforts of Human Beings in order to evolve.
Visit the Temple of Peace, acclaimed by the people as one of the Seven Wonders of the capital of Brazil!
Address: SGAS 915 – Brasília — Brazil (approximately 8 km from Brasília’s International Airport – Estimated time: 10 minutes)
Phone: (+5561) 3114-1070
E-mail: english@boavontade.com