Youth debate the Apocalypse of Jesus in International Forum
Check out what happened at the 42nd International Forum of the Legionnaire Youth.
Carlos Eduardo Fernandes
Tuesday | May 30, 2017 | 5:00 PM
The International Forum of the Ecumenical Youth of the Good Will of God has been held since 1975. It is an open and permanent space for young people of all ages. It promotes studies and debates, artistic and cultural activities, as well as solidary and educational collective actions. It is organized by the Ecumenical Youth of the Good Will of God, a Youth Movement of the Good Will Organizations.
Vivian R. FerreiraThe President-Preacher of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, José de Paiva Netto.
In its 42nd edition, the Forum, which is carried out throughout an entire year, addresses the topic chosen by the participants themselves: “We Are All Prophets,”thesis of the President-Preacher of the Religion of the Third Millennium, José de Paiva Netto, and the title of one of his literary works from the collection “O Apocalipse de Jesus para os Simples de Coração” [The Apocalypse of Jesus for the Simple-Hearted], a collection that brings together a series of analyses of the Final Prophecies that have been published in books, newspaper articles, magazines, and websites, as well as on radio and TV. Find out more about the history of the Religion of the Third Millennium and the Apocalypse of the Christ of God.
“We urgently need to show that Prophecy is not necessarily synonymous with punishment, but that it sets out the correlations that exist between cause and effect. It is the sum of what we have done before that is good or bad. We need to learn this in order to make it an element for conscious progress, so that we transform ourselves, in full consciousness, into agents of our own future on Earth and in Heaven,” Paiva Netto in his article “Awakening the Conscientious Citizen.”
On Saturday, July 1, 2017, the concluding event of the 42nd edition of the Forum takes place. This is a special day that will include fraternal actions, cultural presentations, and the closing official session bringing the fraternal and ecumenical word of Brother Paiva Netto, who will enlighten us with regard to the Gospel-Apocalypse of the Divine Master and inspire all to be the protagonists of the good transformations they desire for themselves, for their families, for their communities, and the world. This is a great event for families! Mark it on your calendar and don’t miss this opportunity! =)
The International Forum of the Ecumenical Youth of the Good Will of God, in 2016.
So, in preparing for this great day, check out the actions that have been part of the 42nd edition of the International Forum of the Ecumenical Youth of the Good Will of God and find out more about the activities of the Ecumenical Church closest to you that you can take part in:
Buenos Aires, Argentina — The #EuLeioPaivaNetto [#IReadPaivaNetto] Literary Meeting, held in fairs and exhibitions for debating the writings of the leader of the Legionnaire Youth, José de Paiva Netto, which extends the scope of the Message of Jesus beyond Religion, having an influence on all fields of human life.Brasilia, Brazil — The #EuLeioPaivaNetto [#IReadPaivaNetto] Literary Meeting, held in fairs and exhibitions for debating the writings of the leader of the Legionnaire Youth, José de Paiva Netto, which extends the scope of the Message of Jesus beyond Religion, having an influence on all fields of human life.(Foto: Vivian R. Ferreira)Rio de Janeiro, Brazil — Every week there are studies to discuss and go into the topic of the current Forum more deeply. There are also monthly meetings that address matters affecting young people’s lives from the perspective of Ecumenical Spirituality. (Foto: Divulgação)Uberlandia, Brazil — Every week there are studies to discuss and go into the topic of the current Forum more deeply. There are also monthly meetings that address matters affecting young people’s lives from the perspective of Ecumenical Spirituality. (Foto: Divulgação)Salvador, Brazil — Every week there are studies to discuss and go into the topic of the current Forum more deeply. There are also monthly meetings that address matters affecting young people’s lives from the perspective of Ecumenical Spirituality.(Foto: Divulgação)La Paz, Bolivia — TheSpirit Olympics: a fraternal competition between the Youth Movement of the Good Will Organizations in several cities in Brazil and abroad. The competition is broadcast in Portuguese live on the Rebeldes de Jesus program every Saturday at 3pm on the Super Good Will Radio Network.Porto, Portugal — TheSpirit Olympics: a fraternal competition between the Youth Movement of the Good Will Organizations in several cities in Brazil and abroad. The competition is broadcast in Portuguese live on the Rebeldes de Jesus program every Saturday at 3pm on the Super Good Will Radio Network.(Foto: Divulgação)Asuncion, Paraguay — TheSpirit Olympics: a fraternal competition between the Youth Movement of the Good Will Organizations in several cities in Brazil and abroad. The competition is broadcast in Portuguese live on the Rebeldes de Jesus program every Saturday at 3pm on the Super Good Will Radio Network.(Foto: Divulgação)
New York, USA — The #EuLeioPaivaNetto [#IReadPaivaNetto] Literary Meeting, held in fairs and exhibitions for debating the writings of the leader of the Legionnaire Youth, José de Paiva Netto, which extends the scope of the Message of Jesus beyond Religion, having an influence on all fields of human life. (Foto: Divulgação)
Campinas, Brazil — In the voluntary mobilization for donating blood, the Good Will Youth come together and, with this solidary gesture, support those who are facing health issues.(Foto: Divulgação)Sao Paulo, Brazil — Praising the New Commandment of Jesus in the Hearts of Good Will campaign, a fraternal activity in which young people go to the streets, squares, and avenues, from house to house and into hospitals to bring comfort and spiritual enlightenment to people with the magazine Jesus está Chegando! [Jesus is Arriving!], the ecumenical magazine of the Religion of the Third Millennium that prepares us for the Triumphal Return of the Divine Master. (Foto: Gabriel Estevão)Montevideo, Uruguay — Praising the New Commandment of Jesus in the Hearts of Good Will campaign, a fraternal activity in which young people go to the streets, squares, and avenues, from house to house and into hospitals to bring comfort and spiritual enlightenment to people with the magazine Jesus está Chegando! [Jesus is Arriving!], the ecumenical magazine of the Religion of the Third Millennium that prepares us for the Triumphal Return of the Divine Master.(Foto: Gabriela Marinho)Porto, Portugal — Praising the New Commandment of Jesus in the Hearts of Good Will campaign, a fraternal activity in which young people go to the streets, squares, and avenues, from house to house and into hospitals to bring comfort and spiritual enlightenment to people with the magazine Jesus está Chegando! [Jesus is Arriving!], the ecumenical magazine of the Religion of the Third Millennium that prepares us for the Triumphal Return of the Divine Master.(Foto: Divulgação)Buenos Aires, Argentina — Praising the New Commandment of Jesus in the Hearts of Good Will campaign, a fraternal activity in which young people go to the streets, squares, and avenues, from house to house and into hospitals to bring comfort and spiritual enlightenment to people with the magazine Jesus está Chegando! [Jesus is Arriving!], the ecumenical magazine of the Religion of the Third Millennium that prepares us for the Triumphal Return of the Divine Master.(Foto: Divulgação)Massachusetts, USA — The Legionnaire Youth meets and organizes Bible studies in the homes of other young people and families, in the Ecumenical Meeting of the New Commandment of Jesus at Home. (Foto: Divulgação)Asuncion, Paraguay — The Legionnaire Youth meets and organizes Bible studies in the homes of other young people and families, in the Ecumenical Meeting of the New Commandment of Jesus at Home. Curitiba, Brazil — The Legionnaire Youth meets and organizes Bible studies in the homes of other young people and families, in the Ecumenical Meeting of the New Commandment of Jesus at Home. (Foto: Arquivo)New Jersey, USA — There are also visits to elderly homes, orphanages, and hospitals, in partnership with the Spiritual Assistance Department (DAE, in Portuguese) of the Religion of the Third Millennium.(Foto: Divulgação)São Paulo, Brazil — There are also visits to elderly homes, orphanages, and hospitals, in partnership with the Spiritual Assistance Department (DAE, in Portuguese) of the Religion of the Third Millennium. (Foto: Pedro Rio)Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia — There are also visits to elderly homes, orphanages, and hospitals, in partnership with the Spiritual Assistance Department (DAE, in Portuguese) of the Religion of the Third Millennium. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia —There are also visits to elderly homes, orphanages, and hospitals, in partnership with the Spiritual Assistance Department (DAE, in Portuguese) of the Religion of the Third Millennium.Asuncion, Paraguay — There are also visits to elderly homes, orphanages, and hospitals, in partnership with the Spiritual Assistance Department (DAE, in Portuguese) of the Religion of the Third Millennium.
In the voluntary mobilization for donating blood, the Good Will Youth come together and, with this solidary gesture, support those who are facing health issues.(Foto: MN)
Brasilia, Brazil — With their different musical styles and in the language of young people, the Geração J, de Jesus! show features compositions that exalt good values, based on the teachings of the Heavenly Friend, a reference in Solidarity, Love, Respect, and Justice.(Foto: Lucian Fagundes)Spiritual and Cultural Rounds – events held regionally in Brazil with workshops and the International Music Festival.Belo Horizonte, Brazil — Spiritual and Cultural Rounds – events held regionally in Brazil with workshops and the International Music Festival.(Foto: Divulgação)Rio de Janeiro, Brazil — Spiritual and Cultural Rounds – events held regionally in Brazil with workshops and the International Music Festival.(Foto: Andressa Ferreira)São Paulo, Brazil — Artistic and cultural exhibitions, plays, and dance presentations produced by the young people themselves. A space created so everyone can reflect artistically on the teachings and examples of the Christ of God.(Foto: Pedro Rio)Brasília, Brazil — Artistic and cultural exhibitions, plays, and dance presentations produced by the young people themselves. A space created so everyone can reflect artistically on the teachings and examples of the Christ of God.(Foto: José Gonçalo)Brasília, Brazil — Artistic and cultural exhibitions, plays, and dance presentations produced by the young people themselves. A space created so everyone can reflect artistically on the teachings and examples of the Christ of God.(Foto: José Gonçalo)Curitiba, Brazil — Artistic and cultural exhibitions, plays, and dance presentations produced by the young people themselves. A space created so everyone can reflect artistically on the teachings and examples of the Christ of God.(Foto: Vinícius Francisco Ramão)São Paulo, Brazil — Artistic and cultural exhibitions, plays, and dance presentations produced by the young people themselves. A space created so everyone can reflect artistically on the teachings and examples of the Christ of God.(Foto: Vivian R. Ferreira)São Paulo, Brazil — Artistic and cultural exhibitions, plays, and dance presentations produced by the young people themselves. A space created so everyone can reflect artistically on the teachings and examples of the Christ of God.(Foto: Vivian R. Ferreira)São Paulo, Brazil — Artistic and cultural exhibitions, plays, and dance presentations produced by the young people themselves. A space created so everyone can reflect artistically on the teachings and examples of the Christ of God.(Foto: Vivian R. Ferreira)
São Paulo, Brazil — With their different musical styles and in the language of young people, the Geração J, de Jesus! show features compositions that exalt good values, based on the teachings of the Heavenly Friend, a reference in Solidarity, Love, Respect, and Justice.(Foto: Gabriel Estevão)
The Supreme Objective of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit is to prepare the way for the Triumphal Return of Jesus to Planet Earth. The Legionnaire Youth acts in this sense: in each activity that it carries out, it takes the sacred teachings of the Divine Master, which fill us with Hope, Renewal, Life, Respect, Love, and Justice. The Ecumenical Christ, the Divine Statesman, speaks to those who practice good values, without distinction in terms of social class, ethnicity, religion or non-religion. So, His lessons are for all, in all possible contexts.
The Youth Movement of the Good Will Organizations also disseminates the message that every good attitude is an anticipation of Christ's Return, which must first occur in the heart of each one of us, as Paiva Netto teaches: “Jesus is born and reborn every day in hearts of Goodwill. He also returns, in advance, in the actions of human beings who cultivate His ideal of Goodness.” So the time to do Good and expand it is all the time!
Did you like the Forum? Then participate in the activities of the Ecumenical Youth of the Good Will of God and be part of this Good Will initiative! All you have to do is get in touch with the Ecumenical Church of the Religion of Universal Love nearest to you. And don’t forget: on July 1st, we’re going to meet up and follow the words of the leader of the Legionnaire Youth to strengthen ourselves spiritually and to learn more and more about the teachings of the Divine Master, Jesus!