A Soothing Prayer for the Anxious Heart
How can you attain inner Peace and spiritual strength? Turning to a sincere prayer for comforting the heart is the key to achieving this objective.
Therefore, we invite you to delve deeper into this powerful tool and say a beautiful prayer that will strengthen your Soul.
You can find solace in listening to uplifting music, reading a chapter from the Holy Gospel-Apocalypse of Jesus, or uttering words of gratitude. These also serve as prayer to elevate your thoughts and make room for new attitudes into your life, for prayer should always be combined with good deeds!
And every time we say a prayer, there is something else that needs to be present: great trust in Jesus and in His extraordinary power, or, in other words, in heavenly support, Divine Justice, and God's Love for all humanity.
In his article titled “To Thrive in Jesus and with a Happy Heart," Brother Paiva Netto, President-Preacher of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, imparts the following teachings:
“I have been fortunate enough to state that the Divine Master is a Living School of Liberation for the inhabitants of the Earth and of Earth’s Heaven. With our thoughts focused on Him, the Wisdom of the Stars will abundantly descend upon all of us. He is the certainty that does not frustrate; the Great Friend who never abandons a friend along the way; and the One who unveils everything about the Citizenship of the Spirit. I never tire of repeating it.”
With these clarifications in mind, let us now pray to Jesus this prayer for comforting the heart:
A Prayer for Comforting the Heart
Paiva Netto
On Earth, Christ is the Lord!
He will be with me wherever I go.
I descend to the sea, I ascend to the Heavens,
I overcome hatred and slanders.
I chant to the Light,
I shout loudly: Jesus!
Heavens and Earth will always exist.Truth and Love will govern.
And God shall determine our destiny, then,
With the Fraternity and Glory
Of His Heart.
Christ prayed constantly
Jesus has left us ample evidence of the benefits of prayer and how it should accompany us in various circumstances of life. He Himself prayed to God constantly (for example, in the Gospel according to Luke 22:44).

Título da obra: A oração de Jesus no jardim do Getsêmani.
Likewise, we have this blessed resource available to us at any time: We can pray before going to bed, upon waking up, before our meals, or before starting a day of work or study.
The Prayer for Comforting the Heart will always be an effective path to the success of our endeavors, regardless of one’s faith, as long as it is uttered with a fair and honest heart.
It helps us cultivate a lighter and more productive daily routine and make better decisions, both in ordinary matters and in those of greater importance.
Furthermore, the Master inspires us to develop spiritual autonomy, where we will make use of sacred spaces and resources for prayer, while also individually seeking direct communion with the Divine, without intermediaries and at any given time.
As in the following biblical passage, the Divine Friend makes it clear that prayer is effective and intended for everyone:
Jesus Encourages Us to Pray (the Gospel according to Matthew 7:7 to 11):
7 Ask and it will be given to you by God; seek and you will find [Goodness]; knock and the door will be opened to you.
8 For everyone who asks receives [from God]; the one who seeks finds [Goodness]; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
9 Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone?
10 Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake?
11 If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in Heaven give good gifts to those who ask Him!
God is infinite Goodness! The door will always be open to every supplicating, weary, repentant heart that seeks Peace and spiritual strength to overcome its challenges or pray for someone they love.
However, in verse 7, we understand how to open that door, and which should be the purpose of the prayer for comforting the heart, as well as the cornerstone of both our material and spiritual existence: to bring us closer to what is Good.
When we seek our inner calm, it is essential to let go of feelings that harm ourselves and others (such as anger, hatred, and envy) and cultivate emotions that bring serenity to the Spirit (such as compassion, forgiveness, gratitude, and empathy).
By doing so, we will be prepared to live by another maxim of the Christ of God which is to watch.
“Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The Spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” (The Gospel according to Matthew 26:41)
By watching and working for the Good, we will put into practice the positive feelings that have filled our hearts during prayer. In doing so, we will find the necessary tools to accomplish what we asked of Heaven and even more.
And here, work is not only about the action that guarantees our material sustenance. It is about our dedication to Solidarity and to living out the fraternal teachings of Jesus.
This will illuminate the paths not only of those who follow a religious belief but also of all those who believe in the power of a greater Good.
+ Why Does Praying for Someone Work?
+ How To Heal the Pain in Your Soul?