Easter: Time to Celebrate Victory
Easter is celebrated worldwide with different rituals and symbols.It is a happy time when we remember examples of victories achieved after much struggle and suffering. One of the most emblematic messages this date presents is the triumph of eternal Life, which we can all achieve, as Jesus did with His Resurrection. He invites us, with His own example, to adopt a new posture, based on the Divine meaning of Fraternity, Respect, and Justice.
The President-Preacher of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, Paiva Netto, writes about this important date in his article Jesus resurrected. And us with Him. Read an extract below:
“Dear sisters, brothers and friends, Holy Week invites us to reflect on the meaning of the resurrection. It contains notable symbolism, even if you do not completely believe in it. No one can deny that it transmits the message of renewed hope, even in the worst human and social conditions. Jesus, the Ecumenical Christ, resurrected. And we resurrect with Him every time we are connected to His thought of Love, Justice and Solidarity. He was buried, but reappeared for all after three days. Each of these days corresponds to a figure of the Holy Trinity in reverse order: the Holy Spirit, Christ and the explosion of lights when He reappeared in God, who is the Lord of Life, the Creator of all creatures, the Supreme Architect of the Universe.”
Happy Easter!