Law and the Integration of Man in God
For over two decades the President-Preacher of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, José de Paiva Netto, stated: “The duty of the Law is to open the ways toward the integration of the human being to the Divine . . .” (Constitutional Epistle of the Third Millennium, 1988).
This affirmation, no less thought-provoking, in my opinion, deserves a serious and careful reflection on the subject by all the people who, in some way, use Law as an essential instrument for the harmonization of peoples. .For this reason, as an operator of the Law and a believer in God and in the eternity of the Soul, that is, in the existence of life after the phenomenon called “death”, I propose to contribute, albeit succinctly and superficially, in the analysis of the subject under the light of the Holy gospel of Jesus, the Christ of God, and of Legal Science, as well as in light of the experiences arising from forensic and daily affairs.
Therefore, let’s face this issue with the inciting question: Why, as the writer Paiva Netto says would this pioneering task fall to the Law?

Order and imposition: attributes of Law
Without the need to enter into the definitions and meanings of the word Law, in addition to its coercive nature- to the extent that requires and gives authority to its institutes, when applied to human relations in the search for a common good- aims to all of us to offer a formula, at first, of peaceful coexistence in society, prioritizing the order through what Legal Science calls “legal order”, an honored expression in academic compendiums as a guarantor of expensive values to life in society and people. Then, order and possibility of imposition are fundamental notes of Law.
Well, facing these characteristics, let’s see.
The sense of order in the Law, when choosing the values that allow social interaction and ensure an ordered environment, is easily found in the authority of Jesus’ Gospel when the Divine Master brings us the exciting news of the existence of the Kingdom of God, in several passages of the New Testament, but, in particular, in the one where He teaches us how to pray and elevate our entreats to the arrival of this Kingdom to us (founded in the Gospel of Matthew 6:10). This Kingdom is evidently of Justice and Truth as proclaimed by the Religion of the Third Millennium.
In fact, it is important to note the Authority of Jesus mentioned above, supporting the reasons here exposed, that is masterfully revealed in the authorized article*² by writer Paiva Netto in his piece Jesus, the Divine Prophet (2011), an essential reading.
Meanwhile, to contribute to this characteristic of “order” inherent in Law, I highlight here Science’s opinion about this connection with the Holy Bible, through the words of the mathematician John. C. Lennox, professor at the Oxford University, in England, where he discusses how a notion of an ordained Universe would indicate the existence of a Creator.
“I believe that the universe points to God. God created the universe and left his fingertips everywhere. . One of them is the order and design demonstrated by the elegant laws that have been discovered”, affirms and quotes C.S. Lewis (1898-1963)- author of The Chronicles of Narnia and Mere Christianity, among other books- for who “men have become scientists because they expected to find laws in nature and this is because they believed in a legislator.”
Therefore, it is inevitable to only comprehend Law, a cultural phenomenon of life organization among people, as an attribute of order, notoriously in the field of Divine Order.
On the order hand, the characteristic of coercibility, that is, the possibility of demanding the behavior that the norm prescribes is also located in several passages of the enlightened Gospel of the Divine Master, for example: “Truly, I tell you, you will not go out until you have paid the last penny” (according to Mattew 5:26), and also: “But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.” (Matthew 7: 26 and 27)
In this regard, as the renowned jurist Rui Barbosa recalled (1849-1923): “There is no justice where there is no God.”

Legal Nature of the New Commandment
Well then, by mixing these two characteristics, the Ecumenical Christ, therefore, universal, presents to us a passport, the indispensable means to access the Kingdom of God, when He reveals in His Gospel, the order and supreme imposition: “A New Commandment I give you: Love one another as I have loved you. Only by this shall all of you be recognized as my disciples, if you have the same Love for one another.” (according to John 13:34 and 35) whose visa will be granted, or not, according to our equivalent attitudes.
Thus, the New Commandment of Jesus is fundamental to the validity of any human or spiritual behavior, since it attributes Divine Legitimacy to the action or omission fully covered by this command, confirming the aptitude of His author to the perfect integration in God and, consequently, entry into His Kingdom. Therefore, this Commandment is endowed, in my view, with the note of legal requirement, so, overlayed with legality and, because of that, an instrument of Law. Thus, only by the enthronement of this beneficial e order in the intimacy of human and spiritual beings will be possible to integrate Man into God.
Mutatis mutandis, everyone who reveals rebellious to this command- defined as “The Essence of God” by the late Proclaimed of the Divine Religion, Alziro Zarur (1914-1979)- will not integrate into his Creator and, therefore, will experience, by the Universal Law of Reincarnation*³, as many times as necessary, the beneficial effects and irrevocable of this imposition of Love.
Thus, without a mistake, I conclude that the statement made by writer Paiva Netto in 1988, mentioned in the first paragraph of this text, besides being very current, is of all validity, as it reveals the proposal for more deep and essential studies to our material and spiritual survival from the perspective of Law and under the light of Eternal Life.
*¹ This article was written by Octávio Caldas. He is a lawyer from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
*² This is the article “The Authority of Jesus” written in the book of writer Paiva Netto, Jesus, the Divine Prophet (2011).
*³ Note from the author- As the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit explains, the Universal Law of Reincarnation manifests itself clearly in the Holy Scriptures, as in the Gospel of Jesus according to John (3:3):“. . . no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”