JESUS IS ARRIVING! magazine celebrates its 1st year anniversary
The Ecumenical Magazine of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, JESUS IS ARRIVING! celebrates its first year of release with great repercussions among Americans and other English speaking countries in different parts of the world.
Its universalist content touched the heart of sister Leonor Valderrama, from Clifton, New Jersey, that highlighted:

"I love the magazine, I like to read the messages because there are many lessons there to learn about Spiritual Life, it teaches you a lot. I also loved to get to know the Temple of Good Will, what a beautiful place! I'm very happy about receiving this magazine and would like to thank brother Paiva Netto for the opportunity to have this magazine in English."
The magazine was disseminated at events such as Peace in the Park, by Brahma Kumaris at Central Park, Brazilian Day Festival in New York, and Ecumenical meetings of the New Commandment of Jesus.

+ Pray, React, and Always Overcome Difficulties
JESUS IS ARRIVING! magazine first issue was launched on November 21st of 2018 to honor the Thanksgiving celebration, a special day for the American people.
In the section of doctrinal articles, readers can find an important summary of how the Divine Religion came to the world; the perseverance of two great leaders, the late brother Alziro Zarur (1914-1979) and the actual president-preacher José de Paiva Netto who presented us with two important messages in this issue: "In Praise of Peace", he clarified that the united efforts of people, governments, religions, and philosophies are the ideal path for us to truly live in harmony as a planetary society.
In his moving article "The Triumphal Return of Jesus", brother Paiva also emphasized the influence that this magnificent return will cause on all human areas of knowledge.
The first issue of the magazine also contains a section dedicated to the Spiritual Brothers and Sisters, who can not be seen yet, but can bring fraternal messages from Heaven to Earth, like brother Bezerra de Menezes, Spirit of Good, that brought to us a message entitled "Spiritual Safety in Troubled Times".