Forum Invites Youth to Transform the World Through Fraternal Love
Every year since 1975, the Ecumenical Youth of the Good Will of God, along with the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit and the Legion of Good Will (LBV), has held the International Forum of the Ecumenical Youth of the Good Will of God. This is an opportunity for debates, artistic and cultural expression, and solidary and educational collective activities. The movement seeks to show with its actions the strength of the youth, regardless of age, and the importance of engaging them in building a just and solidary world.
+ Read more:
June 29: Good Will Legionnaire Youth Day

The youth voted on the topic that guided the activities carried out in each edition of the Forum. This year’s session ended on July 2, 2016, and the theme being debated was a thesis of the creator and leader of the Good Will youth movement, José de Paiva Netto, “The Spiritually Revolutionary New Commandment of Jesus — The structure of a new world.”
The goal was to present the transformative power of the words of Jesus, the Ecumenical Christ, the Divine Statesman, that were registered in His New Commandment, which can be found in the Gospel according to John13:34 and 35: “A New Commandment I give you: Love one another, as I have loved you. Only by this shall all of you be recognized as my disciples, if you have the same Love for one another.”
About this Commandment, the creator of the movement affirms: “The New Commandment of Jesus, the Ecumenical Christ and Divine Statesman—Love one another, as I have loved you—is the key to the supreme success of the planetary society. However, this depends on the collective effort of its components. The Divine Master was the first to exemplify this by allowing Himself to be crucified because of His extreme Love for the Great Family called Humanity. When following in His footsteps, we must constantly review our attitudes so we never forget that it is through very small actions of Goodwill that the relationships between husband and wife, parents and children, communities and the world are strengthened.”*
+ Read the article “From Jesus’ New Commandment to Peace"
The conclusion of the 41st Forum was even more special this year, because Paiva Netto was there in person, celebrating his 60 years of work in favor of Goodwill in the world, and leading the event. It received young people from all over Brazil and abroad in the Good Will Educational Complex in São Paulo (Brazil).
See some photos of the event:
*Extract from the book Paiva Netto e a Proclamação do Novo Mandamento de Jesus. A saga heroica de Alziro Zarur (1914-1979) na Terra, page 15.