We all have been living in challenging times, individually and collectively, in the different areas of human life. Therefore, our search for inner Peace, for answers that lead us to a better existence, is permanent and increasingly necessary.
So, how to balance mind and Soul on our journey? How to nurture the noble ideals in our hearts, persevering in good deeds without faltering?
Well, the Temple of Good Will (TGW), with its mystique, beauty, and Ecumenical Spirituality, is always remembered as the place where those seeking Peace, comfort, and reinvigoration have their prayers answered.
It is open to everyone 365 days a year, welcoming people of all religions or none. And on October 21, 2023, it will celebrated its 34th anniversary. Learn more about the monument and its anniversary program.
On October 20th and 21st, thousands of pilgrims will participated in the celebrations of yet another anniversary of the monument, the Spiritual Headquarters of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit.
“The Divine Power of the First Charity” is the slogan that marked this event, inviting everyone to feel the Friendly Presence of Jesus and of the Spirits of Light, as well as to reignite the flame that encourages us every day to do Good, regardless of our age, profession, country, or religious belief.
The founder of the TGW, José de Paiva Netto, explains this concept, of which we should never let go:
“For at all times, I seek to nurture in my Soul the First Charity*—that impetus that magically drives us forward when we find the Good Ideal of our lives: Jesus, the solace of the suffering, the preventive medicine that the world so desperately needs.”
* First Charity — Letter from Jesus to the Church in Ephesus (Apocalypse 2:4).
October at the TGW
Throughout the month, the monument offers a special anniversary program. Here are some highlights:
Cultural and Artistic Exhibition — Jesus Is the Religion of Life
José GonçaloBrasília (Brazil) — Artistic works at the Cultural and Artistic Exhibition — Jesus Is the Religion of Life.
On October 1st, the Cultural and Artistic Exhibition — Jesus Is the Religion of Life opened to the public attending in person and/or virtually. It presents ecumenically and unrestrictedly who Jesus is, as well as the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit.
“Jesus is the Religion of Life, daily life with its challenges and bitterness. Only with Him, step by step, can we overcome the world's pains. Jesus is not a figure of speech. He is a palpable reality, divinely influencing the human brain and heart,” as defined by Paiva Netto.
Ecumenical Act
José Gonçalo, Paulo Medeiros, Alziro Paolotti de Paiva
On October 19th, a traditional event took place in the Nave of the TGW, which is the “Ecumenical Act” ceremony.
The Act celebrated Ecumenism Day, observed on October 21st since 2003. In it, religious leaders, representatives of various fields of human knowledge and of civil society organizations come together to exchange ideas in order to build a more solidary, fraternal society that respects human beings above all.
The Religion of Universal Love is a pioneer and has made a significant contribution to the dialogue among various religious traditions.
Legionary Music Show — The Religion of Universal Love Thiago Mendes
On October 20th, the program featured a Show dedicated to learning about and delving into the history of the Religion of the Third Millennium, which celebrates 50 years of work, providing spiritual enlightenment and comfort for those in need.
On October 21st, the highlight of the program was the Ecumenical and Fraternal Message from the founder of the Temple of Good Will, José de Paiva Netto, who always shares words of Peace and Hope, inviting us to build a better society inspired by the teachings of Jesus, the Ecumenical Christ, and His examples.
Check out some of these moments in the photo gallery below:
Durante a palavra do fundador do Templo da Paz, peregrinos erguem as tradicionais bandeirinhas do Brasil e da Religião do Terceiro Milênio. (Foto: Vivian R. Ferreira)Paiva Netto’s fraternal message of Peace to the 34th anniversary celebrations of the TGW(Foto: Thiago Mendes)Public attentive to the historic message from the Founder of the TGW and President-Preacher of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, José de Paiva Netto.(Foto: Mariany Gomes)Brasília/DF - Os peregrinos que se encontram na Nave do Templo da Boa Vontade se emocionam com a ambiência de Paz do Monumento. Corações mais fortalecidos pela Fé em Deus! (Foto: Vivian R. Ferreira)Emotion marks the 34th anniversary event of the TGW.(Foto: Mariany Gomes)Um espetáculo de devoção e fé emocionou peregrinos vindos de todo o Brasil e do mundo. (Foto: Vivian R. Ferreira) Brasília/DF - Emoção toma conta dos Peregrinos que estão nas comemorações dos 34 anos do Templo da Boa Vontade ao fazerem suas orações pelos seus familiares (incluindo aqueles que já retornaram à Pátria Espiritual). (Foto: Jean Carlos)Public attentive to the historic message from the Founder of the TGW and President-Preacher of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, José de Paiva Netto.(Foto: Vivian R. Ferreira)Cada pessoa que peregrina ao TBV tem o encontro com a Força Maior que busca. Orando de pé, sentado ou até mesmo de joelhos, cada um expressa o que tem de melhor. (Foto: Vivian R. Ferreira)Um espetáculo de devoção e fé emocionou peregrinos vindos de todo o Brasil e do mundo. (Foto: Vivian R. Ferreira)
Emotion marks the 34th anniversary event of the TGW.(Foto: Vivian R. Ferreira)
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