37 years spreading the Ecumenical Spirituality
This year the JESUS IS ARRIVING! magazine in Portuguese completes 37 years of its first launching.
This year the JESUS IS ARRIVING! magazine in Portuguese completes 37 years of its first launching. Ten years ago, the Spanish version started to be published. In 2018, the English version was released.
The launch of the first issue of the magazine in Portuguese was held in São Paulo, Brazil, by the President-Preacher of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, José de Paiva Netto, on February 27, 1982.

Its fraternal and ecumenical content has been touching many hearts from different parts of the world. Brother Paiva, as the Christians of the Divine Religion kindly calls Paiva Netto, presents in every issue of the magazine an original editorial, inspiring articles about the Gospel and Apocalypse of Jesus, that are analyzed by the author in a contemporary context. He connects prophecies with studies of diverse areas of human knowledge, such as Science, Philosophy, History, and other areas that improve human life, showing that the Divine Master teachings are not far from people daily.

Brother Paiva affirms in his article “Human Beings: a Species in Extinction”:
“Human beings and their Eternal Spirits are not creations that are separate from Nature, but its exponents. The wealth of this world is its visible and invisible Humanity, ecologically reconciled with the fauna and flora, and with the whole environment. As a matter of fact, it is worth remembering the sonnet of the great poet and founder of the LGW, Alziro Zarur (1914-1979):
‘Supreme Shame
‘Mother Nature, I, a poet, am your son, / and calmly I take shelter in your merciful bosom. / It is enough for me to look at you and begin to glimpse / At the endless misery of the human path.
‘It is from this contemplation that I return, / And, Oh Perfect Mother, see how much I humble myself: / Only man sullied your brilliance / With his cynical lie of progress!
‘Before your untranslatable / And serenely imperishable goodness / All human greatness disappears . . .
‘Oh Mother Nature, if something shames me / In contemplating you, Mother, here is the shame: / It is the supreme shame of being man!’
Human beings have placed themselves in this position, which they will have to get themselves out of by their own effort and merit in order not to be transformed into a ‘species in extinction.’ Every day is the day to renew our destiny. Life always wins.”

The JESUS IS ARRIVING! magazine, a publication of the Divine Religion, also approaches the reality of the Spiritual World and presents messages from the Superior Spirituality Brothers, that helps us accomplish our tasks successfully and guide us to overcome difficulties.

Along 37 years of a successfully existence, JESUS IS ARRIVING! provides their readers from Europe, America, and other continents with the website www.religionofgod.org with a rich ecumenical content. Speaking of the Triumphant Return of Jesus and preparing the hearts for his Glorious Return is the Fraternal Religion mission. For that reason, we invite you and your dear family to get to know the Religion of the Third Millennium.