When I travel abroad, I always take with me the !JESÚS ESTÁ LLEGANDO! magazine (Spanish version) to work as a Deacon of Good Will, in the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit.
It was with great joy and happiness that I received the news about the launching of the magazine in English. I was anxiously waiting for this very important publication that now will allow me to expand the news about the Triumphal Return of our Divine Master, Guide, and Leader Jesus Christ to countries in other continents where I also have family and friends.
It is a privilege, as a volunteer, to help spread this magazine that really elevates us and nourishes our Souls.
I congratulate the Divine Religion for this vital accomplishment. May Brother Paiva eternally receive all the best from the Christ of God and from His powerful Celestial Angels.
*Luiz Fernando Ribeiro
Houston, Texas