First Issue of “JESUS IS ARRIVING!” Is Out Today
Historic launch of the ecumenical publication of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit.
In celebration of the 32nd anniversary of the Good Will Organizations1 in the United States, the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit2 is launching the first, historic issue of the JESUS IS ARRIVING! magazine. By way of a greeting to the noble American people, the date chosen was Thanksgiving.

Talking about the Triumphal Return of Jesus is believing in His Divine promise!
Ecumenism, Spirituality, and the Gospel and Apocalypse of Jesus are the banners discussed in this magazine. Its first issue in Portuguese was published in 1982 by the President-Preacher of the Religion of the Third Millennium, José de Paiva Netto, who also published the magazine in Spanish in 2009.

José de Paiva Netto
“Behold, the Lord God will return with might, with His arm ruling for Him. Behold, His reward is with Him and His recompense before Him.” Isaiah (40:10)
In both the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Scriptures we find several passages prophesying the Triumphal Return of the Divine Master. One is recorded in His Holy Gospel according to John 14:18, in which Christ Himself said, “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.”
But it is right at the beginning of the Book of Revelations, the Apocalypse, that we find the account of this heavenly event: “Behold, Jesus is returning with the clouds, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him; and all the peoples of the Earth will mourn over Him. So it is to be. Amen.” (Apocalypse 1:7)
It is with this joyous certainty that the Divine Religion launches this publication.
Check out the main features and be sure to get your copy! To do so, send us an email or call us at +1(646) 398-7128.
Features and sections of the new Publication:
Getting to Know the Divine Religion
Let’s learn more about the roots of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit! In this section you will understand its banner of ecumenism and Fraternal Love, which is inspired by the New Commandment of Jesus:
“Love one another, as I have loved you. Only by this shall all of you be recognized as my disciples, if you have the same Love for one another.” (The Gospel according to John 13:34 and 35)
From this perspective, click here to understand:
- Jesus, the Ecumenical Christ, the Divine Statesman;
- The Supreme Objective and Main Mission of the Religion of the Third Millennium;
- The Universal Law of Reincarnation;
- The Ecumenical Youth of Good Will;
- The mystique surrounding the Blessed Water; among other topics.

The Temple of Good Will
+ And Get To Know the Temple of Good Will, the spiritual headquarters of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, which is located in the capital of Brazil, Brasília.
When we live in such a diverse world how can we put aside our differences in order to come together and overcome the many evils that afflict humanity? Brother Paiva explains how this is possible in his editorial “In Praise of Peace,” in which he emphasizes:
"Peace, true Peace, arises first from the pure hearts of human beings. And only Jesus can remove all hatred from the hearts of Humanity, because He is the Lord of Peace".
In the section JESUS IS ARRIVING!, writer Paiva Netto brilliantly broadens our understanding of the Triumphal Return of the Divine Master to the planet and shows how this magnificent event illuminates all areas of human knowledge. Read the article entitled The Triumphal Return of Jesus.
Family Churches and Ecumenical Youth
In these sections, check out the photographic records of these two important actions of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit. Both of them show Christians of the New Commandment of Jesus taking part in solidary and fraternal activities that promote spiritual knowledge and strengthen the families.
+ God’s Peace in Your Home — Follow, step by step, our suggestions on how to organize an Ecumenical Meeting of the New Commandment of Jesus at Home.
Ecumenical Art section
You can also read about the participation of the youth movement of the Religion of the Third Millennium in the production of the music video “Apostle of Good Will,” a legionnaire song that was recorded by the respected conductor Gregory Hopkins, from the Convent Avenue Baptist Church in Harlem, New York.
The Ecumenical Art section tells us this story and highlights the importance of music in the Organizations of God’s Good Will
Good Will at the UN
Since 1994 the United Nations has also opened its doors to the Legion of Good Will, which presents its recommendations and best practices, as we see in the sections Good Will at the UN, Culture of Peace, and Education with Ecumenical Spirituality, with the articles:
- LGW Defends Peace and Understanding at the United Nations
- UN Secretary-General Thanks Paiva Netto for His Warm Greetings
- Complete Charity in Action—Take part in these fraternal actions!
- “Friends of Jesus”
- Safety and Quality Education
- LGW’s preparatory course helps Brazilians obtain a high school diploma

Global warming is a highly important issue for anyone who worries about the survival of humankind. That’s why in this first, historic issue of JESUS IS ARRIVING!, in the section entitled The Environment in Focus, we discuss this topic:
- UN Panel Asserts the Importance of Limiting Global Warming
- Sustainability under the Light of Jesus
LGW’s Little Soldiers of God
There are also pages dedicated to the Little Soldiers of God, as the Religion of Universal Love kindly calls children. In this section there are puzzles and doctrinal studies about the teachings of the Divine Master that are carried out by the children themselves.
+ Pray “The Good Child’s Prayer” with your child at home
+ Jesus Walks on Water — Read the comments from the Little Soldiers of God
We Have Returned! — The World Revolution of the Spirits of Light
Elevating even more the contents of the publication, JESUS IS ARRIVING! has the honor to publish the words of Dr. Bezerra de Menezes (Spirit), within the World Revolution of the Spirits of Light, in the Fourth Revelation, the Religion of the Third Millennium.
Read the message “Spiritual Safety in Troubled Times”
Get your copy and start reading now!
You’ll find all this and much more in the first, historic issue of the JESUS ISARRIVING! magazine.
To get your copy, send us an email or contact the Good Will Organizations in the United States:
NEW JERSEY: 138-140 Pacific Street, Newark. Phone: +1(646) 398-7128
NEW YORK: 55 West 45th Street 6th Floor. Phone: +1(646) 398-7128