Getting to Know the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit
the Editorial Staff
Friday | November 16, 2018 | 5:00 PM
From the first volume of the Sagradas Diretrizes Espirituais da Religião de Deus, do Cristo e do Espírito Santo [Sacred Spiritual Guidelines of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit*] (1987) by Paiva Netto, we present the following excerpt:
Jesus, the Ecumenical Christ, the Divine Statesman
Tela: Carl Bloch (1834-1890)
The late Brother Alziro Zarur (1914-1979) affirmed:
“God determined that Jesus, the Christ, is the Founder and Supreme Ruler of this planet we inhabit, as we read in His Gospel according to John 1:1-3: ‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning [of the planet Earth]. Through Him all things were made; without Him, Jesus Christ, nothing was made that has been made.’ This means that no one enters this Earth without His permission.”
Brother Paiva says:
“Jesus is, above everything, a generous and very modern ongoing idea that deserves to be studied and lived by all non-sectarian Souls that are free from prejudice and taboos.”
Supreme Objective and Main Mission
The Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit was proclaimed by the poet, writer, radio broadcaster, journalist, social activist, and philosopher Alziro Zarur (1914-1979), on October 7, 19731, in Maringá, Brazil, as a continuation of his preaching of the Gospel and Apocalypse of Jesus, which he started in 1926. I, José de Paiva Netto, had the honor to legally constitute it on December 19, 1983, inspired by the same Gospel and Apocalypse of the Divine and Ecumenical Jesus, in Spirit and Truth under the light of the New Commandment of the Christ of God:
“Love one another, as I have loved you. Only by this shall all of you be recognized as my disciples. . . . There is no greater Love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (The Gospel according to John 13:34-35 and 15:13).
It has as
to prepare the way for the Triumphal Return of Jesus to planet Earth2, which He founded3, with the formation of His Ecumenical Flock4; and to implement, ever expanding, its Permanent Campaign for Valuing the Eternal Spirit of human beings—the root of the true progress of earthly creatures, because social reform begins in the spiritual realm—in complying with its
which is spiritual enlightenment. This leads to the consequent salvation of lives and Souls for God, through knowledge of the Truth and the practice of Charity and Justice, allied with exercising the Accomplishing Faith, or the Charity of the New Commandment of Jesus, which is based on the binomial Truth and Charity, as established by the late Proclaimer of the Divine Religion, Alziro Zarur.
ArquivoThe late Brother Zarur (1914-1979) greets the people who attended the 17th Congress of Men and Women of Good Will in Maringá, Brazil, on October 7, 1973, in which the historical Proclamation of the Divine Religion was made. On the left, Paiva Netto, his faithful secretary for almost a quarter of a century.
The Four Pillars of Ecumenism
Unrestricted Ecumenism preaches the perfect relationship between all creatures of the Earth. Total Ecumenism professes the conscientious and fraternal alliance between the Humanity of the Earth with the Higher Spiritual World and with any other civilization in existence in outer space. And why not?! Is the entire Universe just there for us to idly gaze at (with the exception of the astronomers, thinkers, and poets)?! That is, when we remember to lift our eyes to the heavens above . . . It would certainly be pretentious on our part to admit the impossibility of the existence of other forms of life in the Cosmos. Another point: not everything (or everyone) out there must necessarily have a likeness to our species and surroundings. When human beings understand this, they will be ready to assimilate and experience the other two stages: Ecumenism of the Hearts and Divine Ecumenism.
Ecumenism of the Hearts is the one that convinces us not to waste any time with hatred and sterile disputes, but rather to reach out one’s hand to the fallen, for it is compassionate with sorrow; takes off one’s own shirt to dress the unclothed; contributes to the healing balm of those who are ill; protects the orphans and the widows, as Jesus taught us in the Gospel according to Matthew 10:8. Those who understand the elevated meaning of the Ecumenism of the Hearts know that Education with Ecumenical Spirituality will become increasingly fundamental for the progress of the nations, because Ecumenism is Education open to Peace; to strengthen a nation (not for a nation to dominate over others); therefore, it is the shelter of a country and the survival of the globe that protects us as its children, even if not always well behaved ones.
Whereas Divine Ecumenism is the social and spiritual contact between the creature and his/her Creator. . . . Therefore, I speak of the universalization of the human being who integrates with its Divine Origin, becoming a Vertical-Human Being, in other words, a Spiritual Human Being, or even further: a Spirit-Human Being. It is the end of the empire of matter, by the pure and simple understanding that matter does not exist (as the atom itself is full of empty spaces7). For this reason, I have said before that matter is also Spirit.
Universal Law of Reincarnation
Arquivo BV
Brother Paiva explains to us:
“We do not have only one life. The Justice of God is manifested by the successive existences of the Spirit in the flesh. There is no impunity in any part of the Universe. No one should think that they can escape from their crimes because one day they will ‘die.’ One hears that ‘so-and-so did so much damage and escaped punishment. He’s even dead already! . . .’ This is a mistake. First, because nobody dies. Zarur used to say that ‘death does not exist in any part of the Universe.’ Lavoisier uttered that famous statement: ‘In Nature nothing is created, nothing is lost, everything is transformed.’ Second, because anyone who manages to rid themselves of the sanctions of human justice will not escape the Justice of God: in the Spiritual World they will suffer in the inferior realm. And, returning to Earth—if they return, because we are living in an end-of-cycle era, when the unrepentant rebels of this planet will be expelled—they will experience everything with which they tormented their fellow beings. Jesus Himself also teaches in the Gospel and the Apocalypse that ‘each person will be given according to what they have done.’”
Ecumenical Youth of Good Will
Item IV of the letter “To the Good Will Youth” by Paiva Netto:
“The Youth of Good Will have the firm conviction that human beings are not just sex, stomach, and intellect, subjugated by what some consider to be the only reality on Earth: matter. They have an Eternal Spirit that speaks to them of other lives and of other worlds that they look for by Intuition or Reason. Quoting Moses (Deuteronomy 8:3), Jesus said: ‘It is written: Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God’ (The Gospel of Christ according to Matthew 4:4).”
Daniel TrevisanUnder the leadership of Paiva Netto, the public crowds into the Ibirapuera Gymnasium in São Paulo, Brazil, during the 32nd International Congress of the Ecumenical Youth of the Good Will of God, held on July 14, 2007.
The Youth
“It is essential to emphasize that the concept that the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit has of young people is not limited to the short physical age. I always say that a young person is someone who has not lost his or her ideals. The proof that such an assertion is strictly correct is in the following facts transcribed from the Good Will Anthology (1955):
“Whoever, in the course of their life, succeeded in cultivating Spirit and body side by side, cannot and should not judge themselves to be old when they reach the age of 60. Consider, for example, the fact that ‘Kant, the famous philosopher, wrote about Anthropology, Metaphysics, and Ethics at the age of 74. Tintoretto, also at the age of 74, painted a canvas that measured more than 20 meters by almost 10, his famous Paradise. Verdi wrote his opera Otello at 74, his masterpiece Falstaff when he was 80, and when he was 84, he wrote three immortal religious pieces: Ave Maria, Stabat Mater, and Te Deum. Cato, at 80, began studying Greek. Lamarck published his Natural History of Invertebrate Animals at 78. Goethe only completed his masterpiece Faust when he was 80. Tennyson wrote his celebrated work Crossing the Bar when he was 80. Fontenelle, one of the encyclopedists, said when he was 90 that he had never felt the least memory loss or failing in his reasoning. The historical Allegory of Battle of Lepanto was painted by Titian at the age of 88!’
“Let us reflect upon it.”
Vivian R. Ferreira
Religion does not rhyme with intolerance
In an article published on several newspapers, magazines, and websites, Paiva Netto explains:
“January 21 is World Religion Day. In an article published in the Brazilian newspaper Folha de S.Paulo in the 1980s a reader argued whether the fact that I attribute a lot of value to Religion in my writings would not sectarianize my words, and I wrote:
“I fail to see Religion as an arena where many beliefs meet to settle their points of view, in their struggle to defend their principles or God, who is Love, therefore, Charity, to begin with and who cannot approve manifestations of hate in His Holy Name, neither does He require anyone’s raging in defense on His behalf. Alziro Zarur (1914-1979) used to say that ‘the greatest criminal in the world is he who preaches hate in the name of God.’
“I understand Religion as Fraternity, Solidarity, Understanding, Compassion, Generosity, Respect for Human Life, the Salvation of Souls, and the Enlightenment of the Spirit that we all are; and all of this in the noblest sense. I believe in Religion as being something dynamic, alive, pragmatic, and altruistically fulfilling, which opens up paths of light in the Souls and that, because of this, must ethically be in the vanguard.I do not see it as something that is indifferent, overly-idealistic, and apart from the daily struggle for survival that suffocates the masses. I would be unable to understand Religion if it were not working in a sensible manner to transform the unhappy reality that still persecutes all people. These people are even more in need of God who is the antidote for the moral and spiritual maladies and, in consequence, for the social problems, which include the degenerating immobilism, sectarianism, and intolerance that blind the Souls of crowds of people. . . . And, one cannot ever leave out atheists from any measures that can benefit the world.
“God, Wisdom, and Mercy
“Religion, as a sublimation of one’s feelings, exists to improve the human being, integrating him/her with his/her Creator through the exercise of Fraternity and Justice among His creatures. The Heavenly Father is an inexhaustible source of Wisdom and Mercy when not conceived as a caricature, a stereotype, hatred, and revenge, because ‘God is Love’ (First Epistle of John 4:8), which is synonymous with Charity.
“With a keen sense of opportunity, the Prophet Muhammad (570-632)—‘May the Peace and blessings of God be upon him’—says in the Holy Qur’an, Surah Al’Ankabut (The Spider): ‘We believe in what was revealed to us and in what was revealed to you, and our God and your God is one and the same. To Him we are submitters.’
“The words of Saint Teresa of Avila (1515-1582) come to mind: ‘Let us always seek the virtues and the good deeds in others and cover up their imperfections with our great sins.’
“A pioneering religion
“Everything evolves. Yesterday men said, for example, that the Earth was flat. It was claimed that our planet was the center of the Universe. Why then should religions stand still in time? On the contrary. When Religion is synonymous with Solidarity and Mercy it must harmoniously illuminate the vanguard of everything: Philosophy, Science, Politics, Art, Sport, Economics, etc. It is also through Religion that God, who is Love, sends us the most powerful rays of His Generosity. . . .
“Quite appropriate for this meditation are the words of the no less skeptical Voltaire (1694-1778): ‘Tolerance is much needed in politics as in religion. Only pride is intolerant.’ . . .
“To soothe a cold heart
“It is fitting to recall this all encompassing statement from Zarur: ‘Religion, Philosophy, Science, and Politics are four aspects of the same Truth, which is God.’
“In light of this, to want to keep these branches of the universal knowledge confined in stagnant departments, so to speak, or even in prejudiced conflict, has been the source of many evils that afflict us, especially when dealing with Religion, understood in its highest meaning.
“It is mainly from its area that the solidary spirit is likely to come, which—in the absence of the different branches of knowledge and of Religion itself—results in the coldness of feelings that has characterized human relationships in recent times.”
The mystique surrounding the Blessed Water
Arquivo rJEC!The Ceremony of Blessing the Water takes place in the Temple of Good Will and in the Ecumenical Churches of the Religion of the Third Millennium during the Crusades of the New Commandment of Jesus, the ecumenical meeting of the Communion with God.
Participants in the Crusades of the New Commandment of Jesus, the ecumenical meeting of the Communion with God—held in the Ecumenical Churches of the Divine Religion and in the Homes of Good Will throughout the world—set out containers with water to receive fluids from the Higher Spirituality that, in the service of God, meets the just requests and places the appropriate heavenly medicine in the water.
According to the merits of each one, the Blessed Water can bring about improvements in the lives of those who have Accomplishing Faith. As the late Proclaimer of the Religion of the Third Millennium, Alziro Zarur, used to say:
“If God created the water, which is more difficult, why couldn’t He put into this liquid the necessary medicine to cure any illness? Whoever can do the utmost can do the least.”
* Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit — also called the Religion of the Third Millennium, and the Religion of Universal Love. This is the Ecumenical Religion of Brazil and the world.
1Proclamation of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit — Read more on this subject in the third volume of the collection Sagradas Diretrizes Espirituais da Religião de Deus, do Cristo e do Espírito Santo [Sacred Spiritual Guidelines of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit] (1991).
2The Triumphal Return of Jesus to planet Earth — “I will not leave you as orphans. I will come back to you.” (The Gospel according to John 14:18)
3He founded — “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made; without Him, Jesus Christ, nothing was made that has been made.” (The Gospel according to John 1:1–3)
4Formation of His Ecumenical Flock — “I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one Flock for one Shepherd.” (The Gospel according to John 10:16)
5Unrestricted Ecumenism and Total Ecumenism — these expressions were created by Alziro Zarur and conceptualized by Paiva Netto.
6Ecumenism of the Hearts and Divine Ecumenism — definitions by Paiva Netto and clarified by him.
7Note by Paiva Netto: even an atom is full of empty spaces — Although that is maybe not how it is in other frequencies, which are to be further investigated or even discovered. This is an exciting challenge for quantum mechanics.