I'm a guardian of Fraternal Love
C’mon kids, let’s play the drums
Until Fraternal Love the rule becomes
To every place here and abroad
With pride I’m a Little Soldier of God!
If you are three or eighty-five
In the U.S. or in Shanghai
No matter the color of your skin
Let’s shine the love we have within
“Love one another as I’ve loved you.”
Jesus’ example we shall pursue
A Guardian of Love I’ll always be
It’s the right choice, don’t you agree?
Ecumenism is our banner.
And for Peace we stand together.
It’s very cool to do Good!
That’s how I spend my childhood
We may not be all the same
That’s alright, and that’s okay!
What really matters anyway
Is to love all – that’s our aim!
“Love one another as I’ve loved you.”
Jesus’ example we shall pursue
A Guardian of Love I’ll always be
It’s the right choice, don’t you agree?
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