Good Will Champions

Inspired on the quote from Paiva Netto
Nilton Duarte, José Nilton Tonin
José Nilton Tonin
Pâmella Bárbara, Silmara Régia

My desire is to see
Happiness win!
With Faith I head to the field
Play fair for my team...

With a lot of emotion
And all of my feelings
Every moment achieving
“Equilibrium as a goal”

Moment of glory
From dream to victory
And to make history…
In respect for Life, I’ll go,
I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,oh, oh, oh
Good Will Champions
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,oh, oh, oh
Share the trophy of Universal Love

Sports that cry out
For understanding hearts:
Unite strong Souls
All together to raise

The flag of Peace
And of Spiritual Love,
Only Good above all
Like brothers we shall live…

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