Temple of Good Will—A Testimony of Perseverance in Goodness!
How many achievements by great icons of Humanity have you come across? How many good examples were set by your own grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles, and friends? All of them had one thing in common: perseverance, which drove them to believe in and fight for a just cause. Whether in scientific breakthroughs or in overcoming a challenge, the strength that is born of a heart determined to do Good is capable of overcoming the impossible. The Temple of Good Will (TGW) is living proof of this power!

Temple of Good Will
At a time of profound economic crisis in Brazil, the Monument was erected with the help of the people who accepted the challenge of building a place of Peace, dedicated to gathering all religions, cultures, races, and nations. The proposal was first put forward by Paiva Netto, President-Preacher of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit1, in 1985, during the 10th Congress of Legionnaire Women in the Brazilian city of Belo Horizonte, in the state of Minas Gerais.
Since then many fundraising campaigns and activities were carried out. After a great mobilization by the people, the Temple of Good Will was inaugurated in Brasília, the country’s capital city, on October 21, 1989. With regard to one of the Monument’s objectives, Paiva Netto said: "If people require a roof over their heads to protect themselves from the moods of nature, it is equally urgent to provide them with shelter from the storms derived of sentiment, a place where they can leave behind their religious, ideological, political and economic differences so as to rebuild themselves spiritually, to obtain some respite from inner turmoil. Everyone has some pain that he/she will reveal to no one, from the humblest to the most powerful of men, even our atheist Brothers".

+ Learn more about the history and mystique of the Temple of Good Will.
So we find perseverance in every aspect of the Monument. There is a fraternal atmosphere to it that fosters good values, strengthens the soul, and renews the energy of all the pilgrims who visit the place, whether they are religious or not, so they, too, can persevere and overcome their hardships. This is why the theme of the celebrations of the TGW’s 27th anniversary on October 21 and 22, 2016, is: “Our Testimony of Perseverance in Jesus.” The Ecumenical Christ, the Divine Statesman. is an unparalleled example of Love, Goodness, and Justice and has inspired the TGW’s Ecumenical and Peace proposal. He Himself taught us in His Gospel according to Luke 21:19: “In your perseverance you will save your own Souls.”
Read the articles:
+ From the Jesus’ New Commandment to Peace
+ Seven faces that reveal God

Paiva Nettos leads the solemn session of the 25th anniversary of the Temple of Good Will (TGW) in October 2014.
The festivities on October 22 include a Solemn Ceremony led by the president-preacher of the Religion of the Third Millennium, who will also be celebrating his 60 years of work in the Good Will Organizations (celebrated on June 29 this year). The foundation of the TGW is one of the many things that Paiva Netto has achieved in his life and shows his tireless dedication to multiplying Solidarity and Peace.
Read also:
+Ecumenical Ceremony marks Ecumenism Day in the Brazilian capital
+ Check out the program for the TGW’s 27th anniversary
Persevere in doing Good and renew your energy in the Temple of Good Will! The TGW is open 24 hours a day to the public. The entrance is free to most of its rooms. For foreign visitors, the Temple of Good Will has bilingual receptionists.
Address: SGAS 915 – Brasília — Brazil (approximately 8 km from Brasília’s International Airport – Estimated time: 10 minutes)
Find out how to get there
Phone: (+5561) 3114-1070
Official website: www.tbv.com.br
E-mail: english@boavontade.com
1 - Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit — also called the Religion of the New Commandment of Jesus, the Religion of the Third Millennium, and the Religion of Universal Love. This is the Ecumenical Religion of Brazil and the world.